Cesc Fabregas wants to emigrate to MLS and join Messi with him

Messi sigu teniendo un destino incierto tras no lograr concreta nada con el Barcelona o with the teams pretending to llevarlo to his sons; The Argentine astro has been in league on several occasions with the Major League Soccer, where he will end his career, and recently has reports of his goals to play in the United States.

According to information from the weekly principles of the periodical Guillem Balagué of Sky Sports, Cesc Fábregas has no intention of emigrating to the North American football club, no matter what, he pretends to be alone, then want to join his friend Lio Messi, who knows since his step by La Masia.

During CBS Sports’ coverage of the UEFA Champions League, Balagué explained that football’s job opportunities include meeting MLS players, even though he hopes to be able to the Spanish finalist contracted with Monaco in 2022.

“The esposas he convened at Cesc and Messi to go to America, entonces, cuándo sucederá eso, no lo sabemos todavía porque Cesc, por supuesto, todavía está en Mónaco. But it’s something that is in the background of the mind of both players “, says Balagué.

Without a doubt, the legacy of both historical football players is a bum! for the loss of Major League Soccer, without embarrassment, dicho movimiento aún no luce cercano according to Cesc’s contract and Messi’s decision (which will be his next step as a professional) which will be suspended.

The Exits of Messi and Cesc Juntos

During his passing in the backyard, Messi and Cesc accumular six titular juntos; the 2012 Club World Cup, a European Super Cup, a LaLiga championship, two Spanish Cups and a Rey Cup.
