César Villaluz receives new opportunity in Mexico with Cancún FC

Mexico City /

The football player César Villaluz tendra a new opportunity in Mexico and now will be with Cancún FC in the Expansion League, will be directed by his teammate in Cruz Azul, Christian Giménez, lie of what try suerte in the football of Guatemala with the Deportivo San Pedro.

I’m very happy to be here, with a new team and players with those who my ha tocado share cancha and a technical team that also knows, algo very good meet again with them all, form part of this project and prepare for it better ”, dijo in his presentation with the team.

Villaluz who knows what he is playing in the Mexican football team division by his step in Celaya, also read about the experience in the Central American country, then breathe his breath in Guatemala, also played in Honduras with the Deportivo Cacereño.

Cancún FC is a very well consolidated team. In the previous tournament, well done, obvio, quedo con la spiny de conseguir algo important, as in this next turn, no doubt, we are focused on making history. The law of each player is dejar huella en cualquier klub”, Aseveró.

My tocó estar fuera two years old, my fui to Guatemala with the Deportivo San Pedro. Ahora, my toca hernavolg a Mexico, ojalá y se den las cosas ”.
