César Villaluz also pronounces himself in the case of Jonathan Rodríguez

Primero fue Carlos Hermosillo, luego el turno le tocó a Emanuel Villa, and now César Villaluz which was pronounced by the case of the ‘video gate’ of Jonathan Rodríguez in a party. The three figures of Cruz Azul val saam en el hecho de que Cabecita se ha equivocado, y pidieron a la directiva solutions para la institutional crisis que vive el club.

In an interview with the diary The Universal, the new judge of Cancún FC rest of the obligations that a Cruz Azul footballer has to play for the team. Además, Villaluz also unveiled the hecho of being a public figure, the judge debe “give the example.

“As Cruz Azul’s player, always say that we have to be careful to sell with the uniform, there is a public figure, we have to give an example to the children and show good impression, win the emotion “, explained Villaluz.

Aún con las investigations en pie, y sin conocer del todo la determinion que tomará Cruz Azul con el delantero uruguayo, Villaluz prefers not to issue juicio ante the possibility that the video was made hours before a party, and aboga porque todos los problemas que vive el club sean solucionados.

“Ojalá is not on the side of the party for all that is living inside the club, if there is more to the problem that is and is not what the causes are, conclusion.

Have the benefit of the doubt
