César Valdez intratable y Gigantes ganan the first game of the final series ante Águilas

César Valdez is an impressive five-year-old at the start of the final series between the Vecinos of the North of the Netherlands, Kelvin Gutiérrez employs two carriers and the relevant complete the dominion for which Giants of Cibao start with a 5-1 victory over las Águilas Cibaeñas at the start of the final series of the Dominican Invertebrate pelota.

Valdez allows only one career in the five capitals and the Giants will have the first step to their goal: conquest the second crown of the Dominican invertebrate pelta ante a traditional finalist team like the Eagles. The first game of the series, scheduled for a 7-4, is disputed at the Julián Javier Stadium, San Francisco de Macorís, hogar de los Gigantes.

Contrario Valdez, his rival Joe Van Meter resisted a single and three strings, to tolerate his indisputable, three-pointers, all tackles, bolts and punches.

The shot was fired at the offensive aguilucha llevó a que 23 of his 27 outs fueran desde by the team. Of the four indisputable foursome one, one was Francisco Peña and the other was a triple, without effect, of Luis Valenzuela. Ambos batazos ante Valdez. Yerry de los Santos (1.0), Miguel del Pozo (1.0), Ryan Kussmaul (1.0) and Jumbo Díaz (1.0) will complete the work commenced by Valdez.

There will be another derrota for the Eagles at the Julián Javier stadium, where only a victory will be won in regular visits during the regular round, also in this park where sovereign 23-17 will take place.

The night of March is a new one at the Estadio Cibao, where the Giants will also be sacrificing their matches and by the same token to the 13-8 teams.

Valdez won the game (1-0), allowing for hits, a ball and three punches. Van Meter’s loss (0-1).

The first episode of the first episode of Ronald Guzmán’s attack, after the first out, has been split twice in the central garden. Kelvin Gutiérrez followed the central building that led to the Guzmán Antesala. Juan Francisco continues with sencillo al central and anotó Guzmán. Moisés Sierra fue boleado to lighten the basics. Peter O’Brien dismissed victim outcry that prompted the second half of the game to start the Giants 2-0.

His second attack continued, a hat-trick of outs, when José Sirí dismissed a central midfielder and Guzmán led him to a second with a central midfielder. Gutiérrez returned to Syria with an unstoppable lead that made it 3-0, as decider Joe Van Meter’s salute, replaced by Héctor Yan, who finally dominated Francisco with a shortstop lift.

Las Águilas descends on the third with a solitary ion from Francisco Peña through the garden squared against César Valdez.

In the aftermath, the Giants will recover the sale of three, once more out of two outs. On this occasion Guzmán doubled against Lisalverto Bonilla on the ground and Gutiérrez made an inexplicable save to the center to draw his second goal, which Anzó Guzmán and then put the game 4-1.

The Gigantes mark the other one more in the octave, in an entry in which the Eagles use the launchers. Comes José Cuas, boleo in Sierra, who has advanced ahead of a “wild pitch”.

Golpeó and O’Brien. A poncho sung by Oneil Cruz and Carlos Paulino was placed on the floor to lighten the bases. Daury Torrez entered to launch at Cuas and Abiatal Avelino the desperate loss to Izquierdo, with the late Sierra. José Sirí closed the entrance with a double bed for the first time.
