Certain signs that you have already had COVID, according to scientists

More than 10% of those who get COVID will feel sicker and longer – they are the victims of Lang COVID, or Post-COVID syndrome. The symptoms can be just as painful as they are uncomfortable: tinnitus, migraines, myalgia, hair loss – the horrors never stop. Now, a new study determined the most common characteristics. “This is the first study on COVID examining 3762 patients who are more than 6 months of illness, monitoring the incidence of 205 symptoms in ten organ systems,” the researchers say. “We have focused on mapping the long-term impact of COVID-19 on health, employment and return to baseline.” Read on to see if you have the most common symptoms after month 6 – and to ensure your health and the health of others, do not miss it Sure signs that you already have a Coronavirus.

Sick young woman lying in bed and covered with blanket
Sick young woman lying in bed and covered with blanket

Up to 80.3% experienced this

In almost every study of Long COVID, fatigue is the most common symptom. This fatigue not only makes you feel “sleepy”; it is a soul-sucking, full-body drain that can leave many uncomfortable, or at least ‘no longer themselves’. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading expert in infectious diseases and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has compared Long COVID to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis, for which there is no cure. The characteristic symptom of CFS / ME is a fatigue that does not improve after six months – and worsens with exertion. This leads us to our next slide …

A man experiencing discomfort in his upper arm
A man experiencing discomfort in his upper arm

Up to 75.0% experienced this

Post-exercise malaise – also known as “PEM” – “is described as a group of symptoms that follow mental or physical exertion, which often include a loss of physical or mental endurance, rapid muscle or cognitive fatigue, and sometimes 24 hours. or longer, reports a study. The aggravating symptoms may include “fatigue, headache, muscle aches, cognitive deficits, insomnia and swollen lymph nodes. It may occur after even the simplest everyday tasks, such as walking, showering or having a conversation.”

RELATED: 7 tips to follow to avoid COVID, say doctors

Sick woman suffering from headache
Sick woman suffering from headache

Up to 58.8% experienced this

Long carrier reported ‘brain fog’ – which dr. Fauci describes it as a concentration problem – as well as hallucinations, confusion and clumsiness. “Many other long-distance guards describe their most debilitating persistent symptom as diminished memory and concentration, often with extreme fatigue,” he reports. JAMA Network. “The effects differ from the cognitive impairment that patients may experience after a critical illness.” ‘I think there is a subgroup of patients [who] was not even in the hospital with a postviral brain defect, ‘he said COVID-19 Repair Clinic (CORE) of Montefiore Medical Center in New York, co-director Aluko Hope, MD, MSCE.

A woman lying on the couch holding the phone.
A woman lying on the couch holding the phone.

“These three symptoms were also the three most commonly reported,” say the study’s authors. How long will they last? Long COVID can last forever; after all, there is no cure for CFS / ME. Other people recover within a year. Doctors just do not know it yet. According to the study, granular: ‘In those who recovered in less than 90 days, the average number of symptoms peaked in week 2, and in those who did not recover in 90 days, the average number of symptoms had a peaked at month 2 Respondents with symptoms over 6 months experienced an average of 13.8 symptoms in month 7, “they continued.” 85.9% experienced relapses, with exercise, physical or mental activity and stress being the most important triggers. 86.7% of the irreparable respondents experienced fatigue during the survey, compared to 44.7% of the respondents who were recovered. 45.2% said they needed reduced work. schedule compared to before illness, and 22.3% did not work at the time of the survey due to their health conditions. ‘

“Patients with long COVID report long-term multisystem involvement and significant disability,” report the authors of the study. “Most have not returned to previous levels of work for 6 months. Many patients have not recovered by 7 months and are still experiencing a significant symptom burden.” If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a medical professional immediately. And in order not to protect the lives of you and others, do not visit any of these things 35 places you are likely to catch COVID.
