Certain signs that you have already had COVID, according to patients

For some people, recovering from an initials COVID-19 infection is just the beginning of their health crisis. A year after the first cases of the virus were detected in Wuhan, China, it became clear that many months in a row he was struggling with Post-COVID syndrome due to an infection. Some researchers – including dr. Natalie Lambert – made it their mission to study the disease and the long-term sufferers who suffer from it, including the many symptoms that accompany it, how long they tend to last and even the severity of their initial infection. . Here are some patient testimonials about some important long-term symptoms. Read on – and do not miss it to ensure your health and the health of others Sure signs that you already have a Coronavirus.

Elderly woman feels bad, she is headache and painful in the vicinity of the breast.

From her initial infection to the long-term symptoms she experienced for months as a long-distance carrier, nurse Shauna Rankin experienced many manifestations of the virus. One of the most striking was a group of several symptoms that experts in long harbor call ‘changing symptoms’. In Rankin’s case, she would experience heart palpitations for six weeks. Then her oxygen levels will burn in the blood, and her heart will run. Next would be brain fog, “which loosened everything up, like when she had a concussion in high school,” she said East Idaho News. According to dr. Natalie Lambert’s Long Hauler Survey, it was one of the most common and long lasting problems among the many symptoms experienced.

Woman with face mask and chest pain sitting inside at home

A month after being diagnosed with COVID, Travis Smith starting to experience tachycardia, a recurring, throbbing heartbeat. “My heart went crazy. The only way I could describe that night was that it felt like my heart was trying to tear through my rib cage,” he revealed to East Idaho News, adding that he experienced it as ‘plural’ . once a day and throughout the week. ‘It got so bad that he had to visit a cardiologist.

Man's hands on his head chop headache dizzy feeling of spinning dizziness, a problem with the inner ear, brain or sensory nerve pathway

Natasha Wingerter, 36, experienced a series of long-distance symptoms. One of the most degrading? Brain mis. “I would go to class for four hours on Friday and then sit in bed all weekend because it killed me, physically and mentally and everything,” she told East Idaho News. “It would take me three hours to write an email … just because it would not make sense in my head.” It was so bad that she could not work on her doctorate. for six months. “You want to say the word ball, and you’re looking for the real word ‘ball’. You can think it in your head, the word you’re trying to say. You can see it, but you can not make the connection between what the word is not. You will say, like ‘Earth’. … I keep saying, like a spoon instead of a cup, even today, “she described it.” It was like talking to someone. work that was really hammered. You would use a similar, but very different word, “her partner added.” And I still do, “Wingerter said.” It’s like I have a table tennis ball in my head. “

Young man getting home attack

Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. However, some months still struggle to breathe, months after their initial diagnosis. Dan George (43) described his experience as a long haulman with Big sky. “My symptoms gradually got worse. The main symptoms were fatigue and low oxygen in the blood,” explained George, who was first diagnosed with COVID in October when he was admitted to hospital with a temperature of 105 degrees. . He was released after ten days and then spent more than seven weeks on oxygen while recovering at home. “I’ve always been pretty active: an athlete and coach, doing a lot of hunting in the West. Having to carry an oxygen line was a bit restrictive,” George said. A few months later he is still struggling to breathe. “When I take deep breaths, I still have a heavy feeling in my upper chest and I still get tired of strenuous activities. It gets better every day, but it’s going to take time.”

hair loss

Kim Oakes contracted COVID-19 in the spring and spent a few weeks in the hospital and was anesthetized. However, her health battle was not over when she returned home. “My teeth went bad, and I had to have 17 teeth pulled at once,” she said. Big sky. “I had to get dentures because my teeth were gone. My hair started falling out quickly. I don’t really have much left.”

Depressed woman is awake at night, she is exhausted and suffers from insomnia

Extreme exhaustion is one of the most common symptoms reported by long guards. Kelly Hickman, 37, explained The Seattle Times that she contracted a mild initial infection, followed by a cycle of ‘crushing fatigue’ and brain fog that was so impenetrable that she could not read a book or follow the plot of a movie. She was so exhausted that she could barely get out of bed and had to resign from her job for a few months – and she was still not normal again. “Is it chronic? Is this my life now?” she asked. “I do not know and the doctors do not know.”


Months after struggling with an infection, James Valdez still has an occasional cough, revealing that the respiratory system is affected by extreme temperature changes, such as getting into and out of his truck in icy climates. His system, for example, would be “so sensitive and dry and burning, and a minute later I would be stuffy,” Valdez said. Exaggerate. “It’s like I have an allergy season every day.”

RELATED: 7 tips to follow to avoid COVID, say doctors

Sick woman trying to smell half-fresh orange has symptoms of Covid-19, corona virus infection - loss of smell and taste

David Wheat is but one of the many people who lost his sense of smell or taste when he was infected with COVID. And like very long transportation, they did not return. He showed Overdrive that his sense of taste was about 75% back, but he lost all sense of smell. “I literally had my face a foot in front of these brakes and I could not smell anything,” he said, revealing that it was smoking.

Doctor wearing protective mask against notes during the consultation with the patient in the medical clinic

If you experience any of the symptoms you have just read about, contact a medical professional immediately. Follow to avoid catching COVID and becoming a long haul yourself Dr. Anthony Fauci‘s basics and help end this upsurge no matter where you live – wear a face mask, social distance, avoid large crowds, do not go indoors with people you do not shelter with (especially in pubs), practice good hand hygiene, be vaccinated if it is available to you and around your life and the lives of others, do not visit one of this not 35 places you are likely to catch COVID.
