Central Bank of Honduras justifies pay rise in its directives

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

According to the official statement of salary increases that the authorities of the Central Bank of Honduras, BCH, received from this month, the directives of theadjust the aument arguing that it is based on the leeway and metasplasias in the last years.

The title of the institution, Wilfredo Cerrato, devenga 269 ​​541 lempiras manuals. The perciben directors 251 422. Through a communication, through the dissemination of information, the BCH indicates that the relationship between employees and institution is governed by collective bargaining agreements, which are governed by the International Treaties, the Code of Labor and the Constitution of the Republic.

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The most senior members of the state institution will receive increments that 13,000 and 16,000 monthly lempiras. El presidente, en cambio, 16,725 net lempiras. The Central Bank of Honduras is the principal bank of the Republic of Honduras and, in turn, is responsible for the monetary responsibility of countries and their institutions.

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“The salaries of the staff guarding the relationship with his work ethic (the Mayor with more than 20 years of career), a set of definite objectives, academic training and powers that take place within the Institution”, published in the publication.

In addition, it informs the directives and administrative costs and salaries that must be paid monthly: a compliment analyst (114,865), analyst special (121,135), management assessor (105 019), executive assistant (100 426), director (251 422the president (269 ​​541).

Además, in the communication, authorities of Central Bank of Honduras explain that, in the wake of the transparency, the Bank’s information portal is constantly updated. “This is evidence of our good practices and recognition of the relevance of cultured livestock”, it was reported.

Ultimately, the BCH states that auments respond to the following logos, the academic training of the directives and their function in the organization of the state banking institution.
