Central Bank alerts Cubans about requisitions for transfers to MLC

| 18/03/2021 – 21:10 (GMT-4)

The Central Bank of Cuba has alerted its customers to the issue of transfers between cards of Moneda Libremente Convertible (MLC), had the queue of various users that he lost money in “operations” unsolicited.

A message from this financial institution on Twitter advised the Cubans to make transfers between cards in Moneda Liberemente Convertible, it is by automatic cashier, transfermovil and another electronic channel, deben verify that the destination card comience “uniquely” from 9225 XXXX XXXX XXXX.

Asimismo, subraya that if the operation has a distinct shape -for example a MLC card that is embedded with 9226– if the money can be aborted better then the money will be sent to a Cuban Peso card (CUP), which will automatically be transferred to the 1×24 exchange.

“Estimated Customer: For the transfer of tickets between MLC and is via automatic dashboard, transfermovil and other electronic channel must present that when capturing the number of the destination destina the same should start at 9225 XXXX XXXX XXXX. sugerimos not continue with the operation since the transfer can send a card in CUP converting the amount to this month in the cambio 1 x 24 “, express the communication.

Various Internet users have reacted to outrageous opinions since they were aware of these problems with the consequent loss of money in the “unpaid exchange” of dollars in Cuban weights during an erroneous operation.

Respectfully, report to the bank to implement a automated authorization engine based on rules that hold possible “suspicious” operations as part of institutional and popular knowledge; and habilitar with base on this “alert and confirmation mechanisms”.

Soy Trabajador por Cuenta Propia, the importer ITH requires me to have a (card) 9226 in MLC, as it is separate from the one called 9225 and now I can say that if I transfer MLC to one that is not 9225 is in other words next to my own risk and responsibility? Explain me so favorably? “, Advertise a customer.

“Ya eso me pasó, transferí entre tarjetas en MLC y me lo convirtió a CUP, lo que es una stapa: ¿No son las dos tarjetas de MLC, Por qué me lo convertió a CUP, Por qué no lo dejó en MLC?, dijo otro.

Similarly, a user signals the impossibility of transferring national currency cards to those in MLC: “If the MLC cards are used as a reference to the USD to convert any currency and make deposits in it, then you can use the card of CUP and transfer money to an MLC account within 24 CUP per MLC? And why is the counter possible? “, Preguntó.

“Podrían gives an opinion species or withdraw this option. Nadie will sell his dollars at 24 pesos if it is acknowledged that he has given this option to avoid losses that Podrían can have catastrophes”, subtitled another Cuban.

As part of the “tarea ordenamiento” o monetary unification which implements the Cuban governing body to deliver its economically deprived, the bank has exercised the option to deposit in MLC for the purchase in tithes where only allowed extra months.

In the midst of the deepest crisis of abstinence in this island tiendas son las unnicas medianamente surtidas, because the miles of Cubans with families in the extraterrestrial and solicited the cards in question to buy on them.

Without embarrassment, the transactions are difficult and they are exposed to the loss of their dollars due to errors in the issue and the solution has not been considered by the financial institutions of Iceland, which at the moment, as indicated by Twitter, responsible for the errors of the operations and its consequent losses.
