Censorship? Artists pro-Trump temen to close their Twitter accounts and other social media

Paty Navidad and Eduardo Verástegui their exceptions in the entertainment industry, then the majority of artists are decanting to have an anti-Trump stance, at least in social media.  Photomontaje
Paty Navidad and Eduardo Verástegui their exceptions in the entertainment industry, then the majority of artists are decanting to have an anti-Trump stance, at least in social media. Photomontaje

“Ya solo falta Eduardo Verástegui”, posted on Twitter the Mexican actress Sandra Echeverría, celebrating that the social network has canceled the account of Donald Trump and suspended his colleague Paty Navidad.

In this sense, the diary El Universal is asked in one of its most recent titles “When did you find the account in Verástegui?”.

Tanto Navidad como Verástegui han abyat abiertamente a Trump en los ultimos años. In the case of Navidad, its most recent publications have been criticized not only for promoting the North American president, but also for preventing the pandemic of covid-19.

On the other hand, Verástegui is a proven and well-known Trump promoter. Hecho, currently, his profile picture on Twitter is the rostrum of the mandate and his all his critics against the cleric of the account of the president president in the social red.

“No pueden, ni podrán contra defensor de los no nacidos y la libertad religiosa. President Trump in 4 years did not take part in a single war. Followed by the defense of life and religious freedom. Mention is slow or slow sale to the light ”, published Verástegui.

Although a Verástegui deplores the violence with a horde of Trump supporters cheering on the Capitol, the 6th year in a row, the actor has not released the critics to support the mandate, accused by his detractors of promoting the historic incident.

The movie Echeverría called Verástegui “ridiculous” for posting Trump’s photo as his profile.

‘Qué oso de wey. I do not know how to call attention ”, expressed Echeverría with the vein of his followers, who also mentioned that Twitter acted against the actor.

At the moment, Verástegui’s account has not blocked any block on Twitter; without embarrassment Paty Navidad becomes inactive and is discouraged and the media will be permanent.

If it’s a hecho, it’s domino Navidad volvio on Twitter from another account @patynavidadnew, but within 24 hours the red social volvio and darle de baja.

‘Les tengo una notice para aquellos que me quieren y me odian. What’s cool ?, there is a new account on Twitter, which strikes me as strange, ”said Navidad, although its allegory is poor.

Company in its convictions.

Pero a Verástegui appears to be importing the acoustics of his colleagues, not to mention. On the other hand, the actor and activist continues to run his companies, including those he trades in Costa Rica on various occasions.

In 2008, Verástegui established in Costa Rica to promote its film Bella, which is located in the cartel tica and cuyo theme central era abortion. In 2016, I took the time to promote the film El gran pequeño (Little boy, 2015), which promotes the great power of the fairy.

On both occasions Verástegui dijo que desde hace varios años había decidido mantenerse en castidad, al menos hasta casarse con la mujer de su vida.

It is possible that the crime, but it is true, requires sacrifice. Making a movie requires sacrifice. Winning an Olympic medal requires training and a lot of discipline to be able to raise the glory and hang the medal. Igual pasa con la castidad ”, assured the actor in 2008 a La Nación.

In the 2016 Mexican actor-actor Eduardo Verástegui comes to Costa Rica to promote the movie 'El gran pequeño'.  Photo: Jeannine Cordero
In the 2016 Mexican actor-actor Eduardo Verástegui comes to Costa Rica to promote the movie ‘El gran pequeño’. Photo: Jeannine Cordero

“Custody is a gift from God. For visionaries, for whom is a photograph of the future that generates passion in the present. This photo is one of my photos at my nightclub. So, todavía no existe, todavía no la veo ”, agregó.

With respect to his unconditional support for Trump, with whom he was photographed at one point and visited the White House, Verástegui did not defend himself.

“Has freedom of expression been lost?”, Eduardo asked the day he suspended Trump’s Twitter account, saying he would not express his views on abortion.

“Family, which is not ours that God is not, not even those who are defending themselves. We will defend the anthropological values ​​and the transcendent values ​​that we will defend, and we will have death. #fe #vida #familia y #libertad ”, manifesto Verástegui, who is currently 46 years old.
