Cémo espió EEUU a Emma Coronel desde la boda con ‘El Chapo’ a su arresto | Unicision Narcotraphic News

“His new wife, from 18 years of age, is called Emma Coronel Aispuro ”. This phrase in the chronicle of the periodical Patricia Dávila dio to be known in 2007 to the beautiful young woman who was converted into the third wife of Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, considered in these days the most drug-addicted drug addict in the world. From that moment on, there was a massacre in California in 1989 that did not take place.

This controversy is rooted in the Sierra de Durango, at a hospital in Los Angeles, the line of shouting that we wear and the lights that show off in their social speeches: Emma Coronel’s life is a species of reality show which has observed the EEUU governing body.

Although it has undergone various interviews with the press that has not been involved in the illicit negotiations of its martyrdom, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has formulated an international narcotics cargo on which the rest of the prisoner will be taken prisoner. Arrested on Monday at Dulles International Airport, Virginia, and on the next day a federal order that detainees without being held in prison in the hope of a possible trial.

A copy of Coronel’s stadium passport Various private conversations with your spouse, its part of the sound evidence that the tax authorities will present the principles of 2019 in a New York federal court to legally dog ​​on its own, the exile of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Antes de comenzara el juicio a Guzmán en Brooklyn, las autoridades revelaron que también analisaban todo lo que Emma Coronel publicaba en internet and he described as a probable victim of the fortune his wife had committed to the length of her criminal career.

“The accusers (Guzmán) are continuing to load their vast drug trafficking empire”, Fiscalía warned in a card sent in October 2018 to Brian Cogan, who had a second late sentence to ‘El Chapo’ in the perpetual case. “Ambos and the wife of the accused, Emma Coronel, are habitually in the social speeches waiting for their huge financial resources”, added the dependency.

Including the diary The New York Post published in April 2019 that the EUUU governor was investigating “for his role in the escape of ‘El Chapo'” from a Mexican prison in 2015.

But a person who believes that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has tenien on the radar, Emma Coronel posted photos on her verified Instagram account. The most recent image, in which he posed with a new vestibule, was posted before Christmas. First and foremost, by the end of 2020, six months will have passed since Cogan’s emission of a long sentence against his wife.

“Nee hy kometido ningún delito”

Miedo de estar en la carcel, nee, because yo nee hy cometido no delito. Yo ya estaría presa aquí (in EEUU) o allá (en México) si tuvieran pruebas ”, le dijo Coronel al periodista Jesús Esquivel a finale de enear de 2019, según recoge el libra” El juicio. Chronica de la caida del Chapo “.

“Do you think that I can answer the question, that I can go to the golf course where they say I want them?” Pues así le pasó a mi familia. My German was tortured (…) a few months ago that Joaquín was detained. Querían que a fuerza les dijera dondde staba ”, relation ella.

Mentras viajaba libremente eEUU sucedió lo ya se se hope: policías la detuvieron en el Aeropuerto Internacional Dulles. Ocurrió lunes pasade, cuatro días despuite of a criminal denunciation being introduced in a court of the District of Columbia.

Has generated speculation of by which the stave or vein llegande precisely to the region where interpuso the accusation, a lie in that “does not have lazos”, as he insures the martyrs fiscal Anthony Nardozzi to ask in a court of Washington DC that if the negro has the right to pay free a loan.

‘Han sido días muy duros para Emma. We do not suffice on the case as to give clarity to the public. We love him for years, we love him and we all love him for the sake of his love. She is part of our family, ”said Jeffrey Lichtman, spokesman, in a statement on Tuesday.

“I’m in prison in Alexandria. It’s as good as it gets, it’s not a safe place to live ”, agregó Lichtman, who also legally defended ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán.

Fiscal of Mexico invests in Emma Coronel since 2017 for money laundering

Espiada desde su parto

The first one is Emma Coronel it was spied on by the EU governor fue in 2011, four years have passed to oppose nupcias in a serrana community in the coronation of the lame Triangular Dorado. It was cruised by a frontline of Calexico, California, to give light to his hats gemelas in the Antelope Valley Hospital of Lancaster, in the north of the Los Angeles County.

The periodical Los Angeles Times unveiled a detail in the deed of birth of the nines: white space the space for “father’s name”. Geen fue suficiente para ocultar su lazo sanguíneo met ‘El Chapo’.

The interest shown by the FBI to Coronel Aispuro, in the final sentence of the trial of Guzmán two years ago, is a federal official. fue beskrywing el contenido de varios privajes privados which is intercepted. Guzmán’s friends and acquaintances have received Blackberrys phones that have a system that encrypts the texts. Fue útil hasta that EEUU doubled the mano to the Colombian technique that is making the adjustments to the cellular ones.

I would like to receive a device identified by the user ‘CharlyBlack11’ and that each time I communicate with ‘El Chapo’ I call it: ReYniTaa CoRoneL / =) y Las reYnaAs ({}).

For several minutes, the FBI agent read the conversations between Guzmán and his wife.

“When I see a car with suspicious advice, I urge you to eat chickens”, the pidio a vez el capo, which discounts the Blackberrys only for these pay a million dollars. “Borra cada vez que termemos de chatiar (sic)”, the indicator in another text.

Eric S. McGuire, head of the FBI’s office who edited the crime that was committed against Coronel Aispuro, said in a statement that as part of this investigation interrogated more than 100 members and associates of the Sinaloa Cartel, Includes a high-level operator that appears to be Dámaso López Núñez, alias ‘El Licenciado’ y quien era la mano derecha de Guzmán.

López Núñez agreed to cooperate with the Fiscalía in order to receive a condensed meal for the duration. It logró: by echo de cabeza a su compadre un juez ordenó que sea liberado in 2032. Lo habían sentenciado a cadena perpetua hace tres años.

McGuire signaled that in order to gather evidence against the plot of ‘El Chapo’ also revised “miles of electronic communications and by intercepted telephone in relation to the drug trafficking activities of the Sinaloa Cartel ”.

“The coronel is aware that the Sinaloa Cartel is the most prolific cartel in Mexico,” the FBI agent said.

In a 2016 interview with periodical Gerardo Reyes, of Univision Investiga, she claims she is married is a farmer and is not a millionaire. But he also justified the origin of the dinar with what he called the designer and with the intention open a rope line inspired by the image of his wife, not the “campesino”, the head of the drug.

His lawyer Mariel Colón said in the media that a few months ago the opening of the company named El Chapo Guzman: JGC LLC was called off due to the pandemic. It is not clear if the project is on track.

