Celeste celebrates the third year of existence with the sequel to the original Pico-8

Strawberry Fields Forever

Everyone’s favorite charming, ethereal, exciting and controller-funny platform Celeste is now three years old. How time (and Madeline) flies. And to celebrate the anniversary of the indie hit, original creators Noel Berry, Maddy Thorson and Lena Raine have released a sequel to the 8-bit title that started it all.

The rudimentary title, now known as a Game Jam, in the late 2010s Celeste Classic inspired by the mega-selling 2018 release, which tells the story of a young woman’s struggle to conquer the titular mountain, along with her own doubts and fears. Made in just three days, Celeste Classic 2: Lani’s Trek see how a new hero begins to swap with her own adventure in a pixel series Celeste’s air-dash mechanic for a reliable wrestling hook.

We waved goodbye to the world of Celeste – as well as its memorable cast – in 2019 DLC expansion Farewell. But Lani se Trek will hopefully scratch an itch for all your C-Side winners, at least until we see a new project from the talented team that gives us an instant classic.
