CEE should do Guanica review to find ‘enroll’ votes

A day after the popular candidate, Ismael “Titi” Rodríguez Ramos, tomara position of the alcaldía de Guánica, el Tribunaal Supremo confirm the sentences that were issued by the Tribunal de Primera Instancia ‘n guns de los alegatos de Edgardo Cruz Vélez, which has a campaign as aspiring for direct nomination.

In synthesis, the Supreme, by decision 7-1, decided that the President of the State Election Commission (CEE), Francisco Rosado Colomer, has the faculty of elaborating a list of variations of the number of Cruz Vélez that the series adjudicates and that the propi CEE is under the obligation to adjudicate all the votes that include some of these variations, including if the elector does not mark the rectangle direct nomination column.

The opinion of the tribunal, written by the associated judge Erick Kolthoff Caraballo, implies essentially that the CEE should open the maletines of regular colleges and the present voting vote to identify paperlets that contain the number of Cruz Vélez per the mark in the rectangle.

Asimismo, implies with all probability that as far as Rodríguez Ramos as the candidates for the parties are the remaining votes, all that the electronic scrubbing machines identify as their integral ballots in which the voter has mixed intent.

Change the results of the public and the portal of the CEE, a Rodríguez Ramos’s le adjudicaron 2,386 photos and all exalcalde Santos “Papichy” Seda, del New Progressive Party, 2,332. While waiting for the appeals before the superior jew Anthony Cuevas, the CEE certified that Cruz Vélez had the equivalent adjudicator 2,335 votes, with the probability that the figure will increase one will evaluate additional papers.

The CEE portal reflects that the direct nomination column received 2,362 votes, but it does not contain any details related to Cruz Vélez.

Last week, the PNP Electoral Commission, Héctor Joaquín Sánchez, it was publicly stated that, if the Supreme Court upheld the decision of the First Instance, Cruz Vélez would be charged with the tripartite by a minimum margin.

The President Maite Oronoz and the associated association Luis Estrella Martínez issue opinions of conformity, while the associate Ángel Colón Pérez issue a competing opinion.

Only the associated association Rafael Martínez Torres issue a dissident opinion, to the effect that the candidates only tenian right to impregnate the result of the scrutiny a certified viz. In this regard, it is signaled that the Supreme Court will reject the certification of appeals for immediate action before it is considered.
