CDC will soon give guidelines for vaccines: Fauci

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to set out guidelines for what is considered safe for people vaccinated against COVID-19 within the next few days, said Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday.

The White House medical adviser said the federal guidelines would be available “immediately” after officials delayed their release last week.

‘When you talk about the criteria of people being vaccinated and how a vaccinated person can communicate with an unvaccinated person or with vaccinated people, the guidelines really come straight from the CDC. I would imagine that I would for sure within the next few days’, Fauci told CBS anchor Margaret Brennan: ‘Face the Nation’.

As far as the whole country can resume normal life, Fauci said Americans will ” have to stay there a little longer. ”

“One of the things I think we need to point out, every day that goes by that we keep the lid on things, is getting better and better because we put at least two million vaccinations in the arms of individuals every day,” Fauci said.

‘And as the days and weeks go by, you have not only more individuals but also the community protection. So we are going in the right direction. ”
