CDC tollenaar las guías para rebrir las escuelas del país | Univision Health News

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will broadcast these fires to the repatriation of public schools in the country, indicating that it is possible for alumni to return to classrooms that have a series of precautions. stipulated in a road map that elaboraron.

The agency recommended me to present the apprenticeship with the remote in areas with high numbers of contagios, so as to minimize the number of people in school editions at the same time, also indicating that the masters should prioritize getting the car against the crown in all countries, although it is not necessary to have a requisite to log the school directory.

“To support the safe repertoire of the schools, the state and local officials must consider the priority given to the professors in the first phases of the distribution of vacancies. However, the access to the vacancy should not be considered a condition for the repatriation.” , indicates the information, señalando that includes despots that the masters and staff are vacant, the schools required to continue with the mitigation means in the foreseeable future, including the mascara requirement in the schools and the physical distance.

“Evidence suggests that many school children from grade 12 and upwards have implemented strict mitigation strategies, and have been able to follow suit in order to receive instruction in person. “These educational plants need to be the last ones to get rid of what is being done all the time in the community, and the first ones to come back when they can do it,” the CDC said.

The CDC would like to see the complete remake only recommended in cases where the bags of contagios are extremely high.

The CDC is not demanding that vuelvan schools open“, dijo el viernes la director de los CDC, la doctora Rochelle Walensky, señalando que las guias son solo recomendations que pueden ayudar a contagios una vez los gobiernos statatales ordenen las reaperturas.

The signal agency that includes when the schools have adequate precautions, will present contagious, by which the plants will be prepared for manejarlos.

The CDC has indicated that the aborted schools have now seen a significant coronavirus transmission to apply precautionary measures.

Strategies following the most affected areas of the country

The agency has five mitigation strategies and we hope that everyone will help prevent the transmission of the virus. Guía enfatiza que hay más protétion si se utilizan multiple strategies, encompassing a vez más in the importance of the use of tapabocas for students, masters and staff, in addition to maintain his lesser distances between the people, in the future

The CDC also recommends evaluating the transmission of covid-19 in each base unit in the total number of cases per 100,000 persons in the last week and in the percentage of tests that are positive. Based on these figures, they are classified in communities in four color zones.

The communities in the blue and yellow areas, are the ones that have the highest levels of infection and can operate with a complete in-person training“, explained the agency, indicating that the schools in the orange zone have transmission and must operate with reduced assistance or with a hybrid system where the students are in the school part of the time and at the rest.

And for the plants in the red zones, with the higher levels of contagion, it is suggested that hybrid programs are operated for primary schools and intermediate and secondary schools are virtual mantengan.

President Biden has indicated on several occasions that in order to recover the aspirations of the CDC and the Congressional Finance Fund to implement the agency’s recommendations, for which it has requested $ 130,000 for the schools that children have graduated from. 12.

The fines of my past, various sciences of the CDC fueron coautores of a JAMA article, the journal of the Estadounidense Medical Association, in which it is mentioned that There is clear evidence that the repertoire of the schools has significantly contributed to the propagation of the pandemic.

The CDC’s Fire Guidance cites a large part of this investigation, including schools in North Carolina and Wisconsin that rebel in the fall.

In the new guise, the CDC advises that in communes with sustainable transmission, the deportivas and extracurricular activities should be taken care of only if they can achieve free air, with a physical distance of 6 pieces or more. In communes with high transmission, dicen, these activities must be virtual only.


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