CDC reviewing new data suggesting coronavirus variant identified in UK could be more deadly

It took just over a year before the US went from one to 25 million coronavirus infections.

This is an average of approximately 67,934 new infections every day, or an average of one new infection since 1.2 January 2020 every 1.2 seconds.

As infections continued to rise this weekend, the death toll also increased. According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 419,000 people died in Covid-19 in the United States on Sunday, according to Johns Hopkins University.

According to the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Measurements and Evaluation, the U.S. death toll could reach 569,000 by May 1 – although “42,800 lives will be saved by the projected vaccination of a vaccine.”

Variant threat: While some states have reported recent declines in their daily Covid-19 numbers, many scientists are concerned about new coronavirus variants.

“First of all, it’s good news to see the curve bend slightly. We’re still at a very high level of infections,” he said. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, said.
“But I’m very worried about whether we will be able to sustain it or not. If we do vaccinations quickly … then we can keep the curve down. Turn up again. And things will get much worse,” he said.
“So it’s a race. Of course I hope we win.”

Read the full story:

About a year after the first report of Covid-19 in the US, the country has had 25 million infections
