CDC coloca nueva vez a República Dominicana en nivel 4 de Covid-19

The Centers for the Control and Prevention of Injuries, also referred to as the CDC by the English flags, would advise travelers traveling that the Dominican Republic is located at a very high level of Covid-19.

The new colloquial institution is in the Caribbean at level 4 of Covid-19, considered as a very high level.

This is an indication of the fact that last November, the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, classified as “sale” is in category 3 of the United States, although it is recommended that city residents do not travel to the country.

Asimismo, the center recommends to all air passengers lending to the United States, including city citizens, have a negative result of the COVID-19 test or COVID-19 recovery documentation before boarding a vehicle.

Antes de salir o entrar a Estados Unidos, sugieren contar con un una viral prueba de 1 a 3 días; de no poseerla, recomienda no realizar el viaje.

To regress to the North American nation, I recommend taking the test of 3 to 5 days after the trip and confining for 7 days. In case of not doing the test, the safest thing to do is to stay for 10 days.
