CD Project Red Hacked Cyberpunk 2077 Stolen Source Code

CD Projekt Red, developers of Cyberpunk 2077, recently became the victim of a recent cyber attack.

The company revealed the situation on Twitter, with a ransom letter left behind by the hackers. “Yesterday we discovered that we had been the victim of a targeted cyber attack, compromising some of our internal systems,” CD Projekt Red wrote. “An unknown actor gained unauthorized access to our internal network, collected certain data from CD PROJEKT capital group and left a ransom letter of which we disclose the contents.”

The opening line of the note reads: “YOU ARE USED SOMETHING !!” Next, the source codes and internal documents for CD Project Red are explained The Witcher 3, Gwent and Cyberpunk 2077 was stolen and that it would be sold or leaked if the ransom was not paid. CD Project Red was given 48 hours to decide. “We will not meet the demands nor negotiate with the actor, because we are aware that this could eventually lead to the release of compromised data,” CD Projekt Red wrote in response. “We are taking the necessary steps to mitigate the consequences of such a release, especially by approaching any parties who may be affected by the offense.”

If you missed it, CD Project Red asked players to quit Keanu Reeves Cyberpunk 2077.
