Casi mid-million dollars cost the event that took place in the Capitol’s Violent Toma | International | Notice

New York –

Famous trumpeters finance the event that took place in the capital of the Capitol

New York, 30 one (EFE). – A reduced group of trumpet influencers, including the founder of the mid-libertarian Infowars, Alex Jones, contribution and financing of around a million dollars that cost the event in front of the Casa Blanca which was unveiled in the violent voyage of the Capitol the 6th of January, according to The Wall Street Journal diary.

According to testimonials collected by the periodical, the controversial Alex Jones, which was presented during the day’s markets, a compromise of more than 50,000 dollars for the event, in which President Donald Trump’s entourages a mass of sympathizers and eagerly awaited in the Capitol, where he was formalizing the electoral victory of Joe Biden.

Jones’ December, which is suspended from the main social speeches, guarantees the election of an intervener of his liking during the event.

In addition, Infowars’ founder consults Julie Jenkins Fancelli, a Trump donor who by 2020 donated $ 1 million to his campaign, bringing in $ 300,000.

Ali Alexander, promoter of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement (Paren el robo), argues that it is based on the fact that the elections are a fraud for the victory of Biden, facilitated by the help of organizer Caroline Wren the event that gathered miles of trumpeters, some of them abruptly in favor of feeding legislators.

Alexander llegó a tuitear una imagen en la que aseguraba “DC se convertirá en el Fuerte Trump desde monna a mi orden”, algo que podría servir prruba incriminatoria en las investigations sober los responsables del asito al Capitolio, que saldo con quatat manifestantes y a deadly police this day.

Pese a que el event organized the 6th year was approved and was legal, served as a point of departure for the legislative seat and the organizers may encourage indictment and insurgency.

Following the violent attack, which obliged to temporarily suspend the certification of Biden’s electoral victory, the federal authorities initiated an operation to detain some of the centenarians participating in the strike. (I)
