Cases ms extraos de la historia de la medicina: palomas salvadoras y odontologa explosiva

Medicine is the science dedicated to the study of life, health, the illnesses and death of the human and / or animals, and implies the use of technical knowledge for the maintenance and recovery of health, application of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the sick. Adems, la medicine form part of the senior denominations of the salud. Well, the sciences of this science are being repaired to make it 6,000 aos, flourishing between the Tigris and the ufrates the first human civilizations; it’s the day of the day raros Cases or diseases followed by science and mdicos.

We will start with one of the ms raros and details cases: those that exploit. Approximately 200 years ago, a Pennsylvania EE.UU cliché made a great deal of money. Fue as hizo all the possible for power to alleviate the dollar even if no result results at all. However, in the next month, the male repentance is an estranged ego, as a waste; which is actually suedei fue que su diente se rompi en pedazos, dndole una sensacin de alivio instantnea.

