Casa Blanca reactivates its page in Spain following the mandate of Biden

(CNN) –– The Web site of the White House,, is updating these stories to reflect that Joe Biden is the new president of the United States, and now also includes a section in Spain, which was eliminated during Donald Trump’s term.

The Casa Blanca home page for its Spanish communications will be deactivated in 2017. At this time, the press secretary, Sean Spicer, indicates that the site is being restored, but has not yet been sued.

The Twitter account for Spanish communications from Casa Blanca, @LaCasaBlanca, continues to run during Trump’s time in the cargo area. According to the Spanish section of the Web site of the White House, there was a clear divergence from a presidential officer’s suit, which was observed during Barack Obama’s George W. Bush governorate.

No Spanish page in the White House during Trump

The failure of a page from the White House in Spanish, both Trump and Trump, reflects the sentiments expressed in the election campaign. Indeed, the former president confirms that immigrants in the United States “have to speak English”. También que Estados Unidos «es un pais donde hablamos inglés, no español».

Trump launched as presidential campaign platform in 2016 the proposal to detain a mayor immigrating to the United States. In this sense, it is focused on the migrants of Latin America, especially from Mexico and the Middle East. Comió the plateau Philly cheesesteak during the campaign in a restaurant conocido by the polemic decision of the owner to place a letter that says “Esto es Estados Unidos. Cuando ordene, hable Engels ». Including Trump, he managed to exploit the bilingualism of a Republican opponent in the primaries as a political army.

Speaking about his opposition to Jeb Bush’s remarks and the criticisms he made in Spain, Trump said: “I like Jeb … But I should really mention that the example hablando and English means is in United States”.

After the Biden Judgment Ceremony, the National Archives also launched its Web site for the Presidential Library Donald J. Trump, which houses the page of Trump. In addition, archive publications on social media and, ultimately, investigations on his mandate in the cargo.

The Trump Library will be the decimated presidential library operated by the National Archives.
