Carmen Yulín Cruz renounces the San Juan Alcaldia from this median

The San Juan Alcaldesa, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, informs that the San Juan Alcaldia Effective took place today, Thursday, at 11:59 p.m.

“I see with the cabeza in alto sabiendo that the dimos pa pais an example of alliances that work”, expressed the executive.

Cruz Soto informs that the capital of the municipal administrator Esperanza Ruiz will be transferred.

Question about why it should not be in its case has been that the new alcalde, in fact, the popular mandate responds that since then many of the directors of its administration who are confident in their positions and that the next week will be called shortly because dimos free without cargo licensed on days 4 and 5, because the 6th was agreed by Reyes Day ”.

Currently, however, it has not been certified by the State Election Commission, the new progressive senator Miguel Romero is profiled as the closest alcove of San Juan and, hecho, is in charge of the preparation of his judgment.

“I’m talking to Miguel Romero, ‘why I’ll be judging him because he’s not certified, and that’s what he’s doing well. And what I can do is do well because I do not have the resources or I can get the resources of the state to do it well, ”said Cruz Soto.

In time, it became clear that he had not received an invitation from Romero to assist in the job, but he said that he had not been assisted, because “the reconnaissance of Senator Miguel Romero was not legitimate in the cargo”.

“The country is safe and recognizable when it comes to trampling. If you have tens of thousands of votes and a petition of adjective votes, then you have tens of thousands of votes and votes of adherents, algo no frame. Y si eso es lo que te da la victoria tú victoria es ilegítima. Miguel Romero won with the Mayor of the votes. Miguel no gana igual que Pedro Pierluisi ”, acotó la alcaldesa.

Cruz Soto says his next steps will be taken at the University of Mount Holyoke, in the state of Massachusetts, where donations will be made during the political leadership semester. In addition, he will write a book and plan to establish collaborations with other universities in the Boston area.

As a result, we have entered into an agreement with the Alcaldes Association to promote the number of Alcaldes associated with the United States Congress.
