Carmen Feliciano will be the next director of PRFAA

Washington DC Carmen Feliciano’s lawyer will be the next director of the Puerto Rican Administrative Court (PRFAA), announced by Governor Pedro Pierluisi.

Pierluisi made the request this week to Feliciano, who was Gabinete’s wife when he was a resident commissioner.

“I know very well the work and professionalism of Carmen, his ability and his experience in Washington DC. indicates the governor.

The nomination is produced two weeks after initiating the new administration and the days of the first transfer of Pierluisi to the state capital as governor, for the judging of the 20th of January by Joe Biden as president. Prfaa’s Executive Director Jennifer Storipan passed away on December 28th.

Pierluisi había recently indicated to El Nuevo Día that of a form u other Feliciano iba to collaborate with his gobierno.

In December, Feliciano became director of the Puerto Rican Senate.

Washington Commissioner Jenniffer González, who had two battles with the governors of the entourage, Governor Ricardo Rosselló in the capital, indicated that Governor Pierluisi had consulted on the selection process for the Prfaa raffle, which was delayed usually.

“It is inconceivable that Carmen has had Puerto Rican support in the federal capital as past governor of the high governor Pierluisi when he was commissioned by residents and in front of the Senate office in Washington since then he has worked hard. The need for this number and congratulations to the new directorate “, indicates the González commission, in the same communication that Pierluisi made official of the number.

The new director of Prfaa has a Bachelor of Arts, International Relations and French, Magna Cum Laude, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Syracuse.

Prfaa’s cargo hold has for the last few years a salary of $ 150,000 annually, even in the midst of the tax crisis and public debt reduced during the government of Alejandro García Padilla, temporarily, to $ 135,000. According to Ricardo Rosselló’s governor, the salary increases to $ 150,000 annually.

Looking for a dozen offices that cover the principles of last decade, Prfaa only has a satellite office in Orlando (Florida).

Prfaa’s presumption has been reduced to around $ 2.4 million annually, although the governing party of the New Progressive Party (PNP) has approved a bill, after the elections, to allocate $ 1.2 million to finance all the guests of the Commission of Igual

It has already been approved by the electorate before the Legislature will take over the mayors of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) and has proposed in May to six state chaplains that tendria on the basis of operations in Prfaa and that it be presumed unequal.

These state-of-the-art cabinets, different from the members of the Igualdad Commission, are employed in full time by the governor of Puerto Rico, with a job in Prfaa.
