Carlos Slim couple 81 years: Mexico’s richest man is hospitalized by COVID-19

Searched for magnates and ensured the media recovered favorably.  (Photo: Bloomberg)
Searched for magnates and ensured the media recovered favorably. (Photo: Bloomberg)

Carlos Slim, Mexico’s richest man, has been playing for 81 years passed his internships at covid-19 at the Institute of Medical and Nutrition Sciences, the central medical center of the City of Mexico, has recently been found to be recovering favorably.

“The comments that my father has on preventive assistance at the National Institute of Nutrition for clinical analysis, monitoring and treatment opportunity, is very well and has had a very favorable evolution to the covid more than a week of sinful minorities, “Carlos Slim Domit said in a statement on Twitter.

Posteriorly, magnates were looking for he insured the media that is recovering favorably.

By his oath, Slim belongs to the population group with mayor’s risk of getting pregnant while fighting the coronavirus, which has killed more than 152,000 dead in Mexico.

By his oath, Slim belongs to the population group with mayor's risk of getting pregnant against the coronavirus, which has killed more than 152,000 people in Mexico.  (Photo: Twitter)
By his oath, Slim belongs to the population group with mayor’s risk of getting pregnant against the coronavirus, which has killed more than 152,000 people in Mexico. (Photo: Twitter)

With an estimated fortune of USD 52,000 million, according to the Forbes review, the Lebanese Ascension Empress is one of the richest men in Latin America and the world.

The Carlos Slim Foundation signed a meeting in August to contribution to the production between Argentina and Mexico of the vaccine against covid-19 of AstraZeneca, whose donations will be distributed throughout Latin America.

The agreement with the pharmaceutical industry is one initial reservation of 150 million doses in the Latin American region, excluding Brazil, followed by AstraZeneca’s agreement with the Government of this country.

“This agreement allows Latin America, Argentina in particular to be able to access between 6 and 12 months before the evacuation, while it is not possible for users to take this agreement,” Alberto Fernández said at the time. President of Argentina, nation will find an AstraZeneca laboratory from years ago.

Slim is the largest company of football teams, among them Real Oviedo, Spain, and supports the Telmex team, of which the Mexican F1 pilot Sergio Pérez lives, who has supported him throughout his career.  (Photo: EFE)
Slim is the largest company of football teams, among them Real Oviedo, Spain, and supports the Telmex team, of which the Mexican F1 pilot Sergio Pérez lives, who has supported him throughout his career. (Photo: EFE)

And last week Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of External Relations of Mexico, posted a message of appreciation on Twitter for the efforts made by the laboratories like the Slim Foundation for the production of the vaccine.

“AztraZeneca’s active asset as coordinators of Presidents López Obrador and Alberto Fernández, Mexico’s loyal friend. Nuestra thanks to Buenos Aires mAbxience Laboratories. Grace Laboratory Liomont and Foundation Slim ”, written by Ebrard Casaubón in a first message.

“Agradezco at the Slim Foundation is working extraordinarily hard to make 250 million doses of AstraZeneca in Mexico and distribute them throughout Latin America. Thanks mil !! ”, Commented on another tuit.

The proposal from AstraZeneca, the Slim Foundation and the University of Oxford is not the best, Guarantee that Latin America has access to this vaccine and that it is the motivation of the government of Mexico and Argentina”, Comment the cancellation in August 2020 about the agreement.

The agreement with the pharmaceutical industry exemplifies an initial commission of 150 million in the Latin American region, excluding Brazil, followed by AstraZeneca's agreement with the Government of this country.  (Photo: EFE)
The agreement with the pharmaceutical industry exemplifies an initial commission of 150 million in the Latin American region, excluding Brazil, followed by AstraZeneca’s agreement with the Government of this country. (Photo: EFE)

Ebrard also points out that the participation of the Slim Foundation is a series of sums relevant to power guarantee the start of production “in time and form”, while they governors are in charge of the distribution and administration of vacancies with different countries.

The Mexican Empress is a member of the American Mobile Phone Company, Carso Group, Inbursa Financial Group, Carso Real Estate, Telesites, Sanborns Group and Condumex, in addition to its financial participation in the periodical The New York Times.

Slim is the most sociable football team, between them of Real Oviedo, Spain, and supported by the Telmex scouting project, of which salvo the Mexican pilot of F1 Sergio Pérez, a quien ha apoyado durante toda su carrera.

In Spain it also has a participation in La Caixa, will enter the shareholder in 2011 to buy a participation in Criteria before converting to Caixabank.



Carlos Slim, Salinas Pliego y más: who is who among the millionaires of Mexico

The President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador has a positive attitude towards COVID-19

Asia is the Mexican laboratory that will carry the Oxford vaccine – AstraZeneca for its distribution in all Latin America

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