Carlos Reinoso criticizes the plant of America: ‘Geen merecen estar’

Mexico City /

Carlos Reinoso, leyenda del America, is not available from the quality of the actual plant azulcrema, lo cual le dio para señalar especialment a los refuerzos que provienen del extranjero.

Sin titubear, el chileno aseguró que “she was very ill chosen” at the moment armor the team, salvo counting cases, in addition to that subrayo that many of the players “geen merecen” estar ahí.

“I like Mexican chicas, although there are no other teams, but they are Mexican. I love Cambio, I believe I have chosen him very badly. ‘n un chico extranjero lo contrataron por internet and it’s not possible to play in a team like America “, dijo Reinoso A TUDN.

Solari tampoko lo vergader

If well America finds itself in the second post of the last table of Cruz Azul, the Master comment that is sidetracked to be in this position, preview to question the style of Santiago Solari.

“I have a different taste, with the principles, values ​​and the game that has always been America. It has a better side to side, have more points to play than play, maintain the cero es priority. Have a strong fortune in the results “, said.

Respecting the Classic ante Chivas announces the victory, as it is an obligation in Coapa in this type of match.
