Carlos Holmes Trujillo: The Minister of Defense of Colombia, in intensive care by covid-19 | International

The Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, salutes the Commander of the Military Forces, General Luis Fernando Navarro, in November 2019.
The Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, salutes the Commander of the Military Forces, General Luis Fernando Navarro, in November 2019.Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / EFE

Colombian Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo, led by Covid-19, is joining an Intensive Care Unit (UCI) at Bogotá Military Hospital and is expected to recover his duties as minister in charge of the Commander-in-Chief Fuerzas Militares, General Luis Fernando Navarro, informe este lunes el Gobierno. It will also expand, one of the more visible rosters of Ivan Duque’s Cabinet, to compete in the 2022 presidential election as a candidate of the Center for Democracy, the Gobierno party founded by President Alvaro Uribe Velez.

The 69-year-old official has been interned since one week, first in the Caribbean city of Barranquilla and then in Bogotá, and continued to be hospitalized during the critical care year (…) due to the actual acute respiratory infection, secondary to viral neumonia by SARS COV-2 ”, signaled the presidency of Colombia in a communiqué. The President of Uribe invited to attend his social speeches at an address given by the Minister.

Among many others, the political and diplomatic veteran has also been the Minister of Education and the Interior, as well as Cali and member of the Constituent Assembly who edited the political map of 1991. How to cancel Duque Impuls Maduro, in tune with Donald Trump’s White House. On the adoption of the Defense Charter in November 2019, in the face of an urgent censorship motion against its predecessor Guillermo Botero, a compromise was reached to establish a transparent and tolerant approach to violations of human rights. His promise has been diluted in the midst of criticism of his management, and indeed Trujillo has excelled in his intentions of censorship motion in Congress.

The Ejército has been seen galloping through a wide chain of scandalous scenes that includes illegal interceptions by journalists and opponents, the ghost regression of the extrajudicial ejaculations and cases of violations of indigenous peoples. The police brutality has also been offended by the outcry over the public debate over the appointment of Javier Ordóñez as police custodian, a derecho student, provoked in September by the chaotic jornadas of massive protests that are taking place with 13 civilians killed in the middle of the storms.

Holmes Trujillo is the most recent case among various officials he informed his contacts in Colombia, who found his second and accumulated more than 49,000 deaths related to the pandemic of accord with the official figures. The Minister of External Relations, Claudia Blum, for 72 years, has a positive attitude and is in a good state of health, said the Chancellery. The vice-president, Marta Lucía Ramírez, for 66 years, opposed the covid-19 last October and overcame the infamous mayor. The first lady, María Juliana Ruiz, also said that the Duke president, 44 years old, had a negative experience in various tests during the last months, he was informed at the moment by the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic (DAPRE).
