Carlos E. Reina: ‘El cambio est naciendo en estas elecions’

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Carlos Eduardo Reina, Presidential candidate of the New Corriente de Libre, to transform Honduras’ mandate, revolutionize the education system, create a cooperative structure, oblige women to have more to pay taxes and to prevail over the monopoly of morality, more than L50,000 million annually.

What are his five main governing priorities?

La niñez. Where is the future of Honduras? There are thousands of children who do not have a good education. If the cognitive capacity of a child increases in order for it to exist in its life from two to five years.

His mind is like a dry sponge that absorbs everything, lamentably those millions of nineteen living in hogares their fathers have very little education, because they have no mental retards.

My profile

Carlos Eduardo Reina
50 years ago

Lawyer and politician
Candidate for the Presidency by New Corriente de Libre.

He was born on October 14, 1970. He married the politico-liberal Jorge Arturo Reina and Alicia García López. President of Es sobrino del extinto Carlos Roberto Reina (1994-1998). There is a father of four.
Está casado con Daysi Patricia Rodas Valle, odontologist with specialization in endodontics and cathedrics at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (Unah) and at the University of Central American Technology (Unitec).
Reina Derecho study at the Unah, political science studies course at the Complutense Universidad de Madrid, Spain; National Development at the Fu Hsing Kang Academy in Taipéi, Taiwan.
English Study at Louisiana State University (LSU), United States. Reading, music, poetry and cinema are his passions. Consider that “Cien años de soledad”, by Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez, is the best work in literature. Admira to Francisco Morazán, and his wife Carlos Roberto Reina, also to the presidents Abraham Lincoln (United States), Fidel Castro (Cuba) and the European Marxist Rosa Luxemburgo.
On the 14th of March, Reina owns the suffrage in the colony on the 19th of September, in front of her father’s house, in Los Laureles, Tegucigalpa. You must be assisted by the 10:30 a.m. voting center.

We propose the creation of miles of temperate education centers that are related to the objective of unrolling these children, women, in addition to food, medicine and vacancies, are the most important: the reasoning and reasoning that it is que nos aleja del reino dier. This temperament education will create a generation of children who will go to school with superior cognitive abilities that will allow an educational reform.

Parallelamente a la madre que no puede hacer nade porque tiene que estar cuidando niños la vamos a incorporar a un cooperativa, y en esa cooperative tendrar dos funciones: la mitad del tiempo la dedicará a studiar, aprender una vocacional o technique, y la otra mitad the passerby working for the cooperative that guarantees a salary.

Why should the Honduran people vote for you?

Because the cambio is a necessity like no one has lived before, because we are the New Corriente, who presents not only to Carlos Eduardo Reina, presents to people of all kinds of quality, as directors, candidates in alcaldes, candidates and deputies, who are not for corruption, that no one has passed by the public purse and has given a steal of corruption.

¿Can you define estas elecciones?

It’s so relevant that because it’s so zozobra, it’s because the cambio is naciendo in the primary elections, and those who do not want to change in all the parties that the elections do not make the , therefore the participation of all is important; the massive participation in the primary process guarantees changes. If the participation is bad, it is likely to win those who always win, but if the participation is very high.

How is it considered, right, where is the center ?, why?

Izquierda democratic, we want to build democratic socialism in our country.

What mechanisms are used to select their candidates, candidates and deputies?

Our governor will focus on the person, so here’s a designated candidate who is a master of origins. We will encourage educational policy and the inclusion of the original peoples, as well as the black peoples and indigenous peoples.

On the other hand, we have Fannie Oliva, Bertha Oliva’s wife and also defender of human rights. The human rights do not have their selections, they have a character that is consigned in the Map of the Human Rights.

We believe that in Honduras can not aspire to democracy and all tenemos are segregated by race, religion, political thinking and sexuality.

The third designed is Adriana Arita. Working in Social Security, is not a public figure, but it is a leader of the medical body. With it we will reform the health care system, we will need a health care management system, to build a health care management system for prevention: it is more difficult to prevent health insurance.

¿Why should I trust in you the discredit of the political class?

I’m not one of those who is discredited, I’m not a public official. Yo tengo mi carta limpia y porque sostengo lo que digo con hechos. If it is only possible to be honored, it will also make an ethical compromise. Firmé a code of ethics that I compromise to have an activity and a conduct in the Presidency of the republic very distinct to what I support. We will not be able to breathe with blind cars and no guardrails, no need, they will not be connected. We will take care of the money of the people prioritizing the necessities, creating something fundamental, that is the state planning.

What did the young man say he did not plan to vote for?

Morazán the dejo a tarea, y la tarea es que no dejen abandonado el país. In his will, Morazán dijo: “Excited at the youth, that it is called to live in this country that day with sentiment …”. I invite them to follow the example of Morazan to die before the abandoned land.

How will the economy recover?

The economic crime is not distributed among the people, the crime is private in small numbers and the losses are socializing. As long as we revise the tribute pyramid, no modern country has been able to unravel and pay its tax debts. It is not possible that in Honduras only 70% of the rich pay only 6% of the rich, and the poorest, only 10% of the rich, pay 46%. If it’s hay, you need to reshape the plan. For another store, the transparency, the money flow of the State money. 50,000 million will be robbed over the next year, which will allow us to produce pavement kilometers of carriages, and thus generate public works and investment.

¿Geopolitically for where to go on the go?

For the whole world, we are not looking at an objective, we are looking at all the markets of the planet. In order for cooperatives to build their products, they must be commercialized in the color of politics.
