Carlos Correa wants the Astros to pay more

The camp star Carlos Correa is set to face a second arbitration deal with the Houston Astros over the offer in his third and final year of eligibility to become a free agent at the end of the 2021 season.

The 26-year-old santaisabelino demanded a $ 12.5 million contract, a $ 3 million increase from the $ 9.5 offer that Houston made.

In 2019, Correa won the $ 5 million lawsuit filed by the Astros to raise $ 4.25 million. Last year, he avoided a $ 8.5 million deal.

The Novato del Año de la Liga Americana in 2015, first selection in the 2012 season, came in a time accord with a promotion of .264 five ironons in 25 Impulsed Carriers in 58 games.

As of now, one of the protagonists of October has been awarded .362 with six quadrangulars and 17 squares drawn in 13 games. The Astros are looking for a World Cup volleyball game to play in the fourth year of the Champions League Champions League match against the Tampa Bay Rays.
