Carlos Correa praised Juan Soto as the best world champion

El boricua Carlos Correa praise to Juan Soto y lo tildó del mejor bateador del beisbol en la MLB.

If you know what you are doing Juan Soto son of the astros of houston, quienes tuvieron hasta coleza dolores cad vez que se paraba al home. Soto no tuvo piedad ni siquiera de sus caballos como Justin Verlander o Gerrit Cole.

Carlos Correa dijo in an exclusive with Yancen Pujols who with much respect hacia MIke Trout, who is considered the best player of the game, for him, Juan Soto is the best of the moment.

Other players from the MLB as Víctor Robles, Trea Turner and Kyle Scherbar accepted that Soto is the best batsman with three seasons, given that his qualities in the bays are his special ones.

Here is the video:

Cabe points out that there has been a great deal of debate between the first 313 games of Juan Soto and Mike Trout in the Grand Leagues, where Soto went to various offensive departments.
