Carlos Correa manda fuego sobre su lealtad con los Astros

El campocorto de los Astros de Houston, Carlos Correa, tuvo algunas palabras piquantes sober su estadía con dicha organization tras la salida de George Sprinkler in the MLB 2021

La salida de George Sprinkler of the Astros de Houston gave a little bit of pain and nostalgia to the fans and possibly some of his ex-friends.

When the question arises Carlos Correa if you want to sell the Astros and see the changes, breaths, from the deals he has with them Astros de Houston regarding salary arbitration, this is what you say:

“” I have no more joy than to represent this organization and be a franchisee “.. Have a day, Carlos Correa you have a similar question and no word on it, ya que, George Sprinkler todavía staba in the free agency for that entonces.

Here is the report:

Although many players accept salary arbitration, this is not the case with Carlos Correa. Loose Astros de Houston I would like to pay 9.8 million dollars to Correa in the immediate vicinity, without embarrassment, it is possible to demand 12.5 million.
