Carlito mentions the person that day that changes the rudo – Opmerkings WWE, Results and more! – PRWrestling

Carlito was interviewed by Wrestling Inc. Daily to talk about the comers of his career in the WWE.

To be known as a career leader, Carlito commenced as a technician in the territory of WWE, Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW). When the personalities of the chic bueno are not encajaba, Carlito dijo que le aconsejaron que cambiara y nunca miró hacia atrás.

“I remember that Solia will always be a baby face, and Rip Rogers is the one who says: ‘What do you intend to do?'”, Said Carlito. “I feel that the podium is more expressive than usual. Always thought it was like babyface. Always prefer to be rough. Of all modes, this is the character of Carlito, is a rudo. It’s a nice rudder, but it’s a rudo character. Simply start to be the same, and there are times when the expectation increases. It is a type related to what the guest likes to be clean, relaxed and discreet, ”he said.

‘Carribean Cool’ tenia is very important as a favorite, sobre todo su manzana. Carlito caminaba hacia el ring con una manzana en la mano and regularly la scupía en la cara de la gente que no quería ser cool.

Carlito said he was surprised that the gesture was not more serious than a week ago, when Vince McMahon proclaimed what he loved.

“I’ve had one of them, I’m sure to hear it now, the copies of Razor Ramon’s, and one of them’s in a roaring tent,” Carlito said. “The first time I looked, the guy joined me and finally the scoop in the car. Vince lo vio y le encantó, y seguimos haciéndolo. You show your genius. It’s one of the things that makes me hicieron, and I’m happy to meet you at the manzana, ”he said.
