Cardiovascular Benefits Of Acquisition, What Is The Limit?

La physical activity no solo is associated with a menor riedgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, meaning that there is no umbrella for this association, with the most dangerous cardiovascular disease observed for those who are more active, a new study published this week in ‘PLOS Medicine’ by Terence Dwyer, of the University of Oxford, in United Kingdom, and its colleagues.

The investigations he demonstrated that there is one inverse association between the self-reported physical activity and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. Without embarrassment, there is still time for the level of this association, especially at the higher levels of physical activity.

In the new studio, investigators are using data from 90,211 participants in the United Kingdom Biobanco without cardiovascular disease to accept use an accelerometer to measure your physical activity during a period of 7 days between 2013 and 2015.

Loose participants in the more physical activity category fumaban more, tenian an index of corporal mass and protein C reactive most high, and with mayor frequency are diagnosed diagnostic hypertension. Overall, the diagnostics saw 3,617 cardiovascular cardiovascular and participants during 5.2 años de seguimiento.

The persons in each quartile have physical activity, for moderate intensity activity, vigorous intensity activity and total physical activity, tenian less probabilities of having cardiovascular disease.

For example, when compared to water in the lower quartile, those in the second quartile of moderate intensity exercise quartile had a 71% probability of being diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, the third quartile quartile had a 59% cohort and water levels. up to 46% more likely than not.

Associate Professor Aiden Doherty, from the Department of Health of the Nuffield Population, from the University of Oxford, and one of the principal authors of the study, concludes that “this is the largest study ever conducted on Physical activity and cardiovascular activity exquisites medidas con dispositivos. Explain that physical activity is probably the most important factor in preventing cardiovascular disease from occurring.

“Our halls are more than the new OMS directives on physical activity that recommend 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-to-weekly aerobic activity per week for all adults,” he said.

Professor Terry Dwyer, of the Nuffield Department of Reproductive Health and the Mujer of the University of Oxford and principal author of the study, added that “the results of this study increase the confidence that physical activity is likely to be a Important way to prevent infections cardiovascular. The reduction in potential risk estimated in those who achieve relatively high levels of activity and justification and justifies a mayor in the mediums to increase the levels of physical activity in the community “.

For its part, Rema Ramakrishnan, Ph.D., of the Nuffield Department of Reproductive Health and Women, of Oxford University, and first author of this study, signaled: a more valid tool that can capture the frequency, intensity and duration of physical activity in the form of auto-informing by participants “.
