Cardi B has a constant odio that supports his Dominican hernia

Cardi B

Cardi B’s song is rebuffed in an interview about the attacks he received in his speeches by the Dominican Republic.

During his interview with Zane Lowe of Apple Music, he admitted: “Ultimately, every audio I receive on social media, I wrote. How recently, ¿verdad? Ayer hice a song, ¿verdad?

The winner of the Grammy award has a constant opinion that he supports his Dominican and Trinity cause. “Every six months, the people always quarrel about my race, because the people do not really understand the islands of the Caribbean. Geen entienden la República Dominicana, nada. Every six months. ”

“Every time a Hispanic artist is in a moment of excitement, for some reason, I always think, ¿verdad? I do not want a track of my grabs. Iran and my album. Finally, it is located in the social networks, and each audio [improperio], each positive [improperio], lo escribo y lo pongo en mi música. That’s what I’m doing right now.

During the interview of his interview, the song includes admission: “In social speeches, people simply think that they are just a woman. Simplify no lo soy. Geen soja una persona enojada. I’m a very emotional person ”.

“Have moments right now that I would like to discuss some topics. When I say something, it’s a different way of doing things. Some celebrities do not have it aboard in absolute, perar estarían en casa llorando “.

“The people simply say yes. Geen voy a ser esa artist who is called to respect. Voy ajar de la gente sepa que es como, ‘Hermano, tenemos sentimientos’ “
