Caravan, a crisis model that hopes to Biden

San José.— In the campaign that took place with its electoral triumph in November 2020, Joe Biden promise that like the presidential annularía “immediately the dragonians” the crueles migratory policies de Donald Trump with guatemaltecos, hondureños and salvadoreños, and that attack the misery and insecurity that alientan las caravanas de migrantes sin visa de Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador a United States.

The diary The Washington Post desgranó ayer algunas de las idea principal de Biden de Biden, que inclu una vía de ochos aaros para los migrants obtengan la ciudadanía y que serwa envi el mercoles al Congress, el cual debe approve.

The idea is to allow them migrant are eligible for permanent legal residence after five years of radicalization in the United States, are supplemented by certain requirements, such as a revision of antecedents and the payment of taxes. Podrían applies to the city three years later. Other requirements to qualify, which should be avoided by migrants, are that applicants are in this country since the 1st of January, at least.

Also read: Pide México frenar las caravanas migrantes

The new migrants could not apply to Biden’s plan. The beneficiaries of the program DACA: the migrant young people who go to the United States if nineteen, accompanied by their fathers, as well as the TPS receptors, the program for migrants coming from nations affected by natural disasters, can apply for the legal residence of the intermediary, explains the Post, informing staff of the transition team.

Although the front of the front to house the Covid-19 is partly the flow of irregular travelers of Central America, Cuba, Haiti, Africa and Asia in Mexico in the United States, Biden will take over the timon of the White House introduced the revision of the migratory leaflets ahead of the regional agudation of the socio-economic crisis on the pandemic, as well as the caravans that will be sold in the first five years of 2021 of Honduras.

Trump “has a disastrous legacy” and “a mimicry in migration”, assures the Officina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos (WOLA), a state institution that evaluates the human rights in the Occidental Hemisphere.

In a report on Biden’s challenges to the Oval Office, WOLA indicates that, with “incremental migration numbers” from 2020, Biden and the Congress “have to move fast” to deal with Trump’s deadly attacks against asylum seekers ”.

“Biden tampoco podrir abrir las puertas a los migrantes”, declares the sociologist guatemalteca Carmen Rosa de León, Executive Director of the (no state) Institute of Education for the Sustainable Development of Guatemala.

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“We are looking for a more humane migration reform, without representation and without allowing masses of migrants to enter the United States. We will not radically change the possibility of intrusion, which we will not have to face fronts unless it is interpreted that the cambio implies that some may enter, of an illegal form, or that the country will be less with the migrants “, says De León a THE UNIVERSAL.


Biden guarantees that it will address the problems of poverty, violence and insecurity as a result of migratory drama and that it will provide a socio-economic assistance plan of 4 million dollars for Central America, with emphasis in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador as Northern Triangle, in order to decimate the movement of those who, by virtue of their ilk, pretend to invade the countries of Mexico.

Quizas [con Biden] disappears the infringing conditions and cases of concentration and torture camps that Trump has established, ”said Iduvina Hernández, executive director of the Guatemalan Social Communicator. [no estatal] Association for the Study and Promotion of Security in Democracy, Guatemala. While recording that in the Barack Obama governing body (2009-2017) the massive deportations of Central Americans, Hernández explained in this diary that the expulsions continue because “it is not the duty of a new governing body to be modified. The persecution and irregular migration will continue ”.

Also read: Guatemalan Authorities Detain Conversion of Honduran Migrant Caravan

“Lovely que [Estados Unidos] “It’s the use of migration policies for Central American governors and the need to be violators of their proposals for internal mobility,” he said.

Junto a Nicaragua, the triangular arrastra decades of social injustices, dictatorships, militarism, corruption and impunity and in the quarter, with figures updated of 40.9 million inhabitants in 2021, more than the number of its inhabitants exist in misery and exclusion and marginality Central Americans opting to launch a groundbreaking landway in Mexico and its nation.

A mix of official and extra-tax calculations that, legally or illegally, in the United States, there are 7 million Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans that by 2020 will bring in 22 million dollars in the economies of its 68 million-year-old families and 2019.
