Caraglio says that Siboldi is not mentally ill; ‘mandé a la madre a todos’

Mexico City /

Milton Caraglio, exdelantero de Cruz Azul and now regression in Atlas, dijo que en la scandalosa elimination ante Pumas, not mentally the mother of technical entities Robert Dante Siboldi especially, it seems that the “refresh” is all over the world.

The Argentine, who practically has no activity in the Machine that has the Guard1anes 2020 diriguó el strategist uruguayo hasta la debacle en CU, signal that his impotence fue with all the team by not saber mantener a 4-0 in favor in the global.

Mandé a la madre a todos, a la situación; yo no lo podía creer, como todos los que estaban en la cancha, fue por eso. I’m technically ready to die with this study“.

Eso sí, the attacking signal that one sees that this is a tornado and that everything is falling apart in the Machine, his relationship with Robert Dante ended in a plumage.

“In this sense, I’m very professional, I’m always clear with myself that at the moment I have to respond and that I’m tocaba, tocaba; but you have the last iria, you have had so much to do with it“, dijo para TUDN.
