Capturan in Guatemala to ‘Diablo’, presented narco pedido by EEUU

Guatemala City.

A narcotics victim was charged with extradition by the United States, accusing it of exporting cocaine cargoes from South America, captured on Saturday by authorities, the Central American Tax Office said.

El Ministerio Público (Fiscalía) coordinates with la polisía la aprehensión with fines for extradition of Juan Carlos Chacón Alvarado, conocido también como “El Diablo“o” Mister 305 “, indicates a periodist Juan Luís Pantaleón, information and press officer of the institution.

The detailed official that Chacón Alvarado is required to compare in a Texas court by the conspiracy offenses for the illegal sending of cocaína hacia United States, as well as manufacturing and distributing the drug to export illicitly to this country.

The investigation identified “a large-scale drug trafficking organization” operating from the north of the American continent, affirmed.

During the search, it was determined that Chacón Alvarado was responsible for the “transport, direction, handling and supervision of drug trafficking activities in Guatemala”, aseveró.

The detainee also had an order of vigilance in Guatemala for drug offenses, trafficking and drug trafficking and conspiracy to commit.

The drug trafficker is the decimosexto arrested in 2021 in Guatemala while advertising the extrajudicial justice.

Following the authorities, large international cartels, with the help of local drug traffickers, used in Guatemala and the rest of Central America to transport drugs and launder money, activities that incite in criminal violence azota the region.

Agreed with the United States, 90% of the cocaine that lies in these aircraft, lanes and submarines passes through Mexico and Central America.
