Captan a Niurka Marcos comiéndose a besos ¡y no es Marko!

Despue that Niurka Marcos diera a conocer que había comenzado una amorosa con el cantante Marko Peña, who is 18 years old that the star, the comments on the part of the internet users do not hesitate to hope, ensuring that his novices are part of a publicity campaign.

Even though the Cuban day it is clear that it is enamored, content and very satisfying, its embarrassment is due to its juiciness, lie that Niurka shared in his social speeches various photographs communicated to besos with his physical trainer ‘Rey Montaño’.

The experience of Juan Osorio accompanies the images with the next message: “Always happy”.

Niurka Marcos comes to visit his coach

In the meantime, commenters on the Internet have no hesitation in trying to find out which ones are very confusing.

“Ah caray ese no era el novio o si”, “Mami niu, y qué paso con Marko Peña ¿Not lo presento com su nuevo galán?”, “¿Qué no tenía otro novio?”.

Cabe mentions that the singer Marko Peña bored all the photographs that belonged to Emilio Osorio’s mother.

Niurka Marcos comes to visit his coach
