Capricornio, Monday horoscope April 10, 2021 | Capricorn Horoscopes

Capricorn, in this day he will feel energetic, because Marte is placed in the sextile position of Jupiter, and in this harmonious aspect he has a person with energy and vitality. For this purpose, there is a need for active sports or tourism. It is also desirable to be always informed, to know everything, because you like to participate in various courses, seminars and capacities.

Pronostic of the day
Your temperament can be awkward, but when you are frustrated, you can unwind it. All depending on the conditions that are affecting your medium environment. But sales are always good because they work well in resolving situations such as stress. These are the conditions that generate the Luna following the sign of Aries.

For the aspect of Venus following the sign of Aries, it has been very impulsive and impulsive in all its relationship with love and relationships. The most civilized instinct of your personalities can be supremacy, but you have to salvage in your love form, even though by many efforts you do, nothing can be completely exterminated by civilized behavior.


Géminis gobierna in las spaldas las clavículas, omoplatos y brazos. And now it’s going through your case 6 the health case, so it’s recommended to pay special attention to that part of the body because the energy that generates the power affects.

The position of the Sun following the sign of Aries, generates an excellent energy to create a good colleague, hecho, this aspect is adequate for a good jefe for the great ability to impulse and organize groups with the good ideas that characterize, will be a jefe justo, pero te resultará aficar aceptar socios de trabajo flojos y torpes.

On this day the universe favors a super energy in diner themes, because teenagers in Jupiter in trigon with Marte and in sextile in Venus, very much
trabajador y gesellige para lograr lo que te propos. And if they do, they will go to Saturn in a quintessence with the ascendant generating energy energized to overcome any obstacle. It’s time to enjoy the benefits that come from living, because your work is costly.


Couple prediction
Because of the sign of Cancer in your house 7 the house of the couple and his planet governs the Moon in quadrature to Ascendant, there may be many conflicts with the couple, because this aspect provokes instability in all the emotional changes that pass through your house . Take into account the situation in which you have an effort to improve this condition.

Love: Cancer, Scorpio, Fish
Amistad: Tauro, Virgo, Capricorn
Laboral: Ram, Leo, Sagitario
Sexual energy: very good

Wenk del día
His idea is that, if it were not a step towards reconstructing the world, humanity would eventually share a common ideology. Go to God as a universal religion with a different number, but in the end it is related to energy. Working to save the planet is also your priority. It is the energy of Jupiter passing by the sign of Aquarius.
