Capricornio, March horoscope April 13, 2021 | Capricorn Horoscopes

Capricorn, this March Pluto is about to ascend and be animated to make a renovation and sea of ​​your look, of your behaviors including your form of expression. These shifts without doubt will be for the better and will help you to be able to develop each one better with other people and create new human connections.

Pronostic of the day
Your intuition will be especially desperate and you will allow a very special communication with your interior and your essence; However, it is thanks to Neptune in Pisces that your house 3 will have an amplification of this feeling that will allow you to search.

The relationships you have are of the good qualities of intellectuals who can generate new feelings of quarantine or the admiration of special people that you have in your life; enjoy much of what you mean by enriching intelligent and fairy tales.


You can see that the excess of energy that can be generated by Marte in Gemini can be reduced to a long day; tomar mucha agua y cuidar los bruscos cambios de temperatura van a mantener tu garganta en buen estado de Salud.

You will be actively managing the relationships, connections and trades that your job can require and that Marte in Géminis le da un rush energetically to these questions of your professional activities. Being aware of this will help you to direct your energy and attention fully to those who are the ones who require the most of you today.

Seran mediates the internet through which it can generate extra increments; is selling, sharing or sharing in this medium, It is said that Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarium will favor the expansion of its services through the use of technology and means an effort and work will be generating good results.


Couple prediction
The fortune in Cancer from your house 7 is an excellent signal that you will be meeting a new and good love or if you are in a couple will be enjoying wonderful experiences

Love: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.
Amistad: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.
Work: Gemini, Libra and Acuario.
Sexual Energy: Good.

Wenk del Día.
Look for the love and care of your family and the Sol is brilliant with a lot of intensity from your home 4. You are going to have many moments of allegiance and peace in your life and with your family.
