Capricornio Horoscope – Viernes April 9, 2021 | Capricorn Horoscopes

This day he is planning, because Pluto is passing by the sign of Capricorn and this aspect is to be ambitious and strong in power.

You will be more centered in your career, with the ability to be a great organizer and planner, easily assuming responsibility and being able to trust him a lot in order to get through the negotiations.

The aspect of Saturn passing by the sign of Aquarius, to generate the level of the organ, for which it represents a retort to learn to tolerate other persons and unleash the loss.

It has the ability to learn quickly the structures, the organization, the discipline and the tact of the unusual and non-traditional way.

The panorama is full of love themes, because teenagers in Uranus in their house 5 the house of the places and with a team in Saturn, aspect that limits all the quarantine and sutile senses, for now there will be limited desired to reveal everything that represents an atadura.

If you find that you are willing to accept the freedom you need to accept to share this extra love that you want.

For the Martian team with Neptune in the 6th case of the Salud you are working in an impressive way, so you can be generating nervous tension important, the hypochondria is possible and your defenses can be bad. The best thing is that you revise these symptoms to be safe.


This cabin is a revolution, by the way, it works like a locomotive, accepts very fast workloads, and does not accept any extra work for new projects.

Occupies most of its resources and uses this energy confusing creative projects that need inspiration and imagination, not a permanent physical effort. It’s the energy that generates Neptune in teaming with Marte.

On the day of the day the sign of Cancer is passing through your house 7 the house of the couple, and his planet is the Moon, which also has a very good aspect with Venus, as well as the dulzura and harmony in the hogar is very present . The energy that generates this aspect to create opportunities to increase and subscribe to your relationship.

For the aspect of Saturn passing through your case 2 the case of the material resources, in quincuncio with the ascendant, will be experimenting with some adjustments in your economy, quiza you estabas excess in guest guests that you establish living to a point preoccupied, possibly with excess of deudas.

For this reason Saturn has to put order in your financial life, not to assist in your situation, because Saturn is lying to save the abyss.

Love: Cancer, Escorpio, Piscis

Amistad: Tauro, Virgo, Capricorn

Laboral: Ram, Leo, Sagitario

The step of Jupiter by the sign of the Acuario generates conditions for humanitarian and independent sentiment, it is called the attention to all the themes on ecology and restoration of the medium, we learn about the themes that help humanity, with the idea of ​​becoming one better planet to the new generations.

