Capricornio Horoscope – Viernes 26 February 2021 | Capricorn Horoscopes

You can feel the hassles of exploring new horizons, have the energy of March in your creative home and the Moon transiting your home 9, you will feel free to explore the area of ​​your profession, your long journeys, the extras, your new creations.

Llevas días pidiendo un cambio y este es un buen momento para tomar aktion y medir sus consequences. It’s time to open up the possibility of making the different things. Be spontaneous and live a different present.

Mercury and Jupiter in case 2 your zone Aquarium, you can create a universe of multiple possibilities, the communication and expansion of this sentiment of “your choice” “you create” is important that work with a clear vision and some form write that you are ready to start this meta.

It’s important to explore that it’s what you’ve happy and that powder makes you a personal value, not exactly done to get rid of your actual work quizas can take from here, learn something new or manage your vacations to realize this journey. Ocupa la comunicación ‘n favoreling.

Venus in case 3 the case of communication, energy energies to abrupt the dialogue of that which one considers considering to happen.

Quiza is currently taking a second toxic relationship, or if it is not, one can take the time to invite you to formalize the relationship and not just be “friends”


The color of the brazier is the consequence of that which paints, Gemini passes through your case 6 the case of the body is the pain for when it becomes clear and active when it is inundated with dudas. Géminis plays contig that he pays attention and other times he does not want to. ERROR, if any duel is an alertness of attention.

Like good Capricorn, you enjoy the work and energy that you regale, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury create a trigon, which is an harmonic aspect to align so that you have to complete your most proposed. Prepare for sale in your comfort zone.

A moment to think about creating the family or the next steps in the future, with Cancer transiting your area of ​​the family and Mercury in case 3, activating your communication, analyzing together what the next step is.

On the other hand, reevaluating if living is real or toxic, it can also be used to maintain relationships that are not a van.


Ritual to activate the energies of the diner

Jupiter and Mercury should be abundant and full of resources, but do not be distracted by this sensation of abundance, remember to guard against evil.

sensual and creative with the energy of Cancer transiting your house 8 and Venus in Pisces in your house 4, you have formal protection rights, you can acquire new compromises or extend family.

Amor: Capricornio, Virgo, Tauro

Amistad: Escorpio, Piscis, Capricornio

Laboral: Escorpio, Piscis, Cáncer

Emotional independence, the energy that helps you explore new and unknown lands that you have to burn emotion for what you are doing, asks What do you want to learn new? What do you like to do? Ahi donde sonríes, ahí es.

