Capricorn Horoscope – Domingo March 21, 2021 | Capricorn Horoscopes

Hoy domingo 21 de marzo tienes conjunction Neptuno- Mercurio, y te da una contradictory carga energica, ya que se contrastonen el intelect y el raciocinio con el mystismo y psiquismo, esto te dara difricultades par concentrarte, ya que esto es mui difikile de manejar.

This combination of energies, fertile imagination and mind abounds in the writing of historical fantasies, which are shown in the pawns of the cinema, we ask “How can we imagine?”

Quizá pueda ser tu caso.

The house of love has the control of Tauro, which has vigor and sensuality, very favorable for this house.


The health case is Mercury that controls the nerves, sleeps the sufficiency that maintains your nervous system in balance.

The case of work is very control of Gemini with Marte, it energizes the much faster to the mental agility of Mercury, the cual rich in Gemini, the cual is very good if works of cajero in some large business or are there classes physics- mathematics.

Cancer energy in this case is high, and you have very similar, quiz notes that are suspicious in your relationship, but you do not say, but you are better off, because you have given one day to your safety.

The case of the economy is bad Acuario, the power can be flexible in the maneuver of the money, in a way that is destined to be difficult to achieve, not to worry, only in a very extreme case.


Love: Cancer, Scorpio and Fish

Laboral: Maagd, Escorpio o Sagitario

If you can find the situation, you can help a couple therapist, and remember that you have the most difficult situation, if you have volunteered for both parties, you can solve it.

Hablando with a spirit, part 2
