Capitol Police Jefa on maximum alert for planned groups of new attacks on Congress | Univision Politica News

The Capitol Police is keeping a close eye on maximum information about plans for some participants in the January 6 strike against the Capitol to attack the Congress seat again while President Joe Biden is assisting in the bicameral session before the announcer.

“We know that members of the militias who were present at the 6th of June expressed their wish to take the Capitol and feed the mayor a possible candidacy of legislators, with a direct vote on the (Speech on the) State of the Union”, indicates the jefa internship of the Yogananda Pittman police body in an audience at the Congress.

Although there are no closed matches for the event, these speeches will be given the first week of the year. It has been suggested by the media that Biden has hinted that Congress will approve its economic stimulus package to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

Commander Pittman also acknowledged that juveniles had violently perpetrated the 6th year of rebellion with cracks the obtenisas obtenidas graciant gracias and information obtained by the espionage services.

Pittman related during his briefing to the Chamber of Deputies’ subcommittee on Representatives that the Capitol Police distributed an internal document on January 3 in which it advertised the possibility of extremists attacking Congress, because, to Trump’s followers Lucia as the ultimate opportunity to win back Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

The document warns that members of militias, white supremacists and other extremist groups will participate, that the Armenian protesters will be armed and possibly Iran in the 6th year, that a bicameral session will receive the certified results of the College.

For that matter, the Capitol Police have adopted extraordinary mediators to endow themselves with special team agents, intercept radiating frequencies used by the officers and detach spies between the protestant protesters in the exterior gardens of the Casa Blanca in order to hear the case. antes del asalto.

Today, in a speech on the issues of the White House, Trump urges his followers to lead the Capitol to express his remorse for Biden’s victory, alleging electoral fraud and against it no evidence. Poco después, una turba rompió la seuridad del edificio en entré a el generande destrozos and causándole la muerte a cinco personas.

Error in operation

Pittman indicates that the 6th year of the year results in quite a few serious deaths and that the police force is preparing to launch the order, but not a single one.

“Although we know that there are likely to be acts of violence against extremist groups, no credible statement indicates that tens of miles (of people) attacked the Capitol, as well as the information collected by the FBI and another police body indicating this statement,” AP said.

Pittman admits that the police force has not complied with its proposed protocols to respond to the disputes and that various agencies have allowed the entry of about 800 people to the Congress.

The officer indicated that the agents were not guarding the perimeter of the Capitol, including, however, that they were importing this specific instruction via radio. Aggregate that the effective discounts when they are authorized to perform lethal force.

In addition to the frustrations of frustrated legislators during the ordeal, Pittman puts pressure on the interior of the police force.

The Syndicate of the Capitol Police recently issued a censorship vote against the rest of the mayor’s plan.

