Cape Verde does not recognize Nicolás Maduro’s regime as Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate president

El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela and a lighter opponent Juan Guaidó
El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela and a lighter opponent Juan Guaidó

Cabo Verde no origin to the governor of the Venezuelan dictator and consider Juan Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela, following a notification received by the Colombian emperor’s correspondents Alex Saab, the testaferro de Nicolás Maduro, detained in the country for blank money.

The information, revealed by Colombian radio WRadio, it is known from these days that it is the same medium that reveals Saab does not present diplomatic passport at the time of detention of Cape Verde, pese a que The condition of the diplomatic agent of the emperor is one of the pillars of his defense.

Due to the COVID pandemic, it is in the process of dealing with violence, but the credentials are being demonstrated in diplomatic travel ”, dijo el ex juez y abogado de Alex Saab Baltasar Garzón.

Saab was arrested on June 12 when the plane crashed into a scaffolding at the International Airport Amilcar Cabral of the island of Caboverdiana in Sal y through a United States petition filed against Interpol for money laundering.

Alex Saab, Super Facilitator
Alex Saab, Super Facilitator

A despot, Justice Justice Caboverdiana authorized his extradition to the United States, a decision that su defensive call of immediate means.

Last January 4, the Barlavento Court of Appeal ruled in favor of the EUAU’s EU addition, a decision that los abogados también han impugnado.

Through the detention of the Maduro testaferro, Venezuela signals that Saab is a Venezuelan citizen and an “agent” of the Gobierno who finds “in transit” in Cape Verde to fly to the country.


Saab, which completed 49 years ago on December 21, mantuvo siempre bajo profil has until appearance in the press when the fiscal Venezuelan Luisa Ortega the accuso, in 2017, of being one of Maduro’s testers.

The businessman, born in Barranquilla (Colombia) and of Lebanese origin, is related to various companies, between them Group Grand Limited (GGL), agreed to provide food supplies for the Maduro Governor’s Aid program, known as SLAP.

An official of the Gobierno stadium indicated in July 2019 that with CLAP the Colombian empress and Maduro’s three hijackers were lured, on the other hand, by “tens of millions of dollars”.

United States also presented charges against Saab and its law enforcement, Álvaro Enrique Pulido, a quienes acusa de to pay up to 350 million dollars (296 million euros) were allegedly defrauded of the Venezuelan exchange control system.


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