Cantante denunci that sufrió acoso de Vicente Fernández y “algo más grave que eso”

Luego of being accused of playing unwittingly to his fanatics, Vicente Fernández accumulate a new scandal in his career with the denunciation of the singer Lupita Castro.

“El Charro de Huentitán” follows in the footsteps of the hurricane, which has recently been accused of sexually accusing a woman. The denunciation was made known through a series of videos published on TikTok, with the Mexican singer saying he has sufrido of acoso, but also some more serious than that.

“Vicente Fernández has been with me for a long time, but I’m getting more, more serious than that. My name is Lupita Castro, soy song ”

‘N Través de un segundo-video, Lupita assurur que con sus denuncias n pretend tomar ventaja la la recent accusaciones que enfrento el interpreter de “Estos Celos” y que ya había intentionat dar a conocer su caso en Estados Unidos, sin embargo, sus declarations nunca salieron a la luze debido a la influencia of “Don Chente”.

I do not want to approve of what is happening right now, but I have to wait to write my book and the consequence of this being a television of the United States of America I have an interview with and I will tell you that the notary and I know about it what was said and what happened to her interview, nothing“, Explained in the series of grabs he has reproduced more than a million millions of times in dicha red social.

Although at the moment there are no more details revealed, I will not be questioned by anyone who has been calling for so many years and should be able to count all the money: “As far as I am concerned, I would like to say goodbye. The most important is why it is so long, the most important is why it is so“.

Antes de finalizar advirtió que no seguirá callando más, por lo que pronto saldrán a la luz los acts que cometió el padre de Alejando Fernández.

Hy sufrido mucho, manyos años callándolo, pero ya no. You can not have a caller. I also love the power of God, the word and the power of this apartness. Thank you friends we will come soon“, Sentence.
