Canelo: video en ‘n Mayweather le gritan nombre de mientras Álvarez caminaba van Cancún | Boxeo

Floyd Mayweather find vacations in Cancun and enjoy all the goodies that can be had at the Orilla del Mar in an extraordinary hotel. Without embarrassment, in one of its passages one of its guardians did not say that the boys and the Mexicans would start to cry “Arriba Canelo”.

The rivalry, in the box, between United States y Mexico has a long history of donde Julio César Chávez y Óscar de la Hoya protagonize one of the most recorded luchas. This is not a quentaron exentos Money y Saúl Álvarez when it will be released in September of 2013.

Aquella noche Mayweather he gave a boxing lesson to a Mexican joven that comenzaba, little by little, to capture the foci of all the world. Without embarrassment, the best fight in the past and on the day of the hiccup will take place in Mexico, which is the best in Mexico Cinnamon.

Everything is commenced when Floyd caminaba in direction of the entrance of the Ciudad Maya while the different tourists want to watch the movie. This is one of the guardians who intends not to film it, as there are many crosses between them. Through the altercation to all the people who are found in the place to begin to grit “Arriba Canelo”, mientras Money se alejaba.

Please note that Mayweather is staying at the hotel Garza Blanca Resort & Spa in the Rivera Maya giving the most expensive housing more than $ 2 million the night.
