Canelo Álvarez. Papa de David Benavidez insinuates doping

Mexico City /

José Benavidez, padre del excampeón estadounidense David Benavidez, questioning the physical cambio that experimented Saúl “Canelo” Álvarez in recent years, it is to be recorded that the tapestry was cast in 2018 by give positive to clembuterol.

If well to sign immediately a dope from Alvarez, the exchange coach question the force that is in, in addition to the power that demonstrates his teammates of Canelo Team.

Pronto, (Cinnamon) converts Superman. Ek refiero a que ya lo atraparon con esteroides. Now it’s on the market and is moving”, Señaló José, who is a native of Arcelia, Guerrero, and who previously recognized the quality of tapatio.

Add that to the team encased by Eddy Reynoso buy something extra, this is how to record lució Óscar Valdez en su pelea ante Miguel “Alacrán” Berchelt.

“All the players in this stable are now like monsters. Mira a Óscar Valdez, se ve fuerte; is like an animal, I am impressed, but something is happening here”, Abundance.

Although before launched the return to the multi-champion tapatio, today David Benavidez is looking forward to receiving a favorable response and this is a context in which his father is eager to share comments.
