“Candle ball” and an explosion in the eastern part of Cuba

A meteorite hit the Cuban East, noting that the sky was illuminating and that residents were watching the explosion, informing an island seismic authority.

The chief of the National Sismological Service, Enrique Arango Arias, indicates on the official portal Cubadebate the Saturday that by the “nature of the phenomenon, tentatively the production of a meteorite”. The phenomenon is happening at night.

“Se percibió en Moa, Sagua de Tánamo, Maisí. All of these places are registered. As far as the sensors are concerned there is not a terrestrial explosion, but there will be an event of our characteristic teams recording the expansive evil ”, explained Arango.

The social speeches are based on the success in the whole of the island of Iceland, and the users have exchanged experiences that iban del sencillo resplandor has the knowledge of a red and white light following an explosion.

The phenomenon was recorded at 10.06 pm, local time, according to the reports.

One of the most important specialists of the Meteorological Institute, Elier Pila, indicates in his Twitter account that the sensor of relays of the GOES-East satellite “detected the distillation of possible meteorites that were observed in various Oriental provinces”.

It also houses an image of the satellite that shows the city in a rural area of ​​Holguín, 900 kilometers from La Habana, and another animated with the responder. We do not report any material or data.

Hilario Quintana Charlot, an instructor of the resident computer in Jamaica, in the province of Guantánamo, aseguró a Cubadebate que observó el fenómeno.

“In the sky like a candle ball that smokes all over and in three minutes after the subsequent explosions”, Quintana commented.

The last report of a meteorite strike in Cuba will take place in 2019 in the western location of Viñales, Pinar del Río.
