Candida auris, the hongo resistant to the drugs that alert the world in the middle of the pandemic

High levels of various infections resistant to drug treatment in the United States, as well as in India, Italy, Peru and France REUTERS / Nacho Doce
High levels of various infections resistant to drug treatment in the United States, as well as in India, Italy, Peru and France REUTERS / Nacho Doce

Although COVID-19 will be implemented worldwide by 2020, hospitals, sanatoriums and geriatric hospitals will utilize and rehabilitate the protective equipment that will be available. It helps, effectively, to slow down the transmission of viruses through the air, but it also seems to work Contribute to the promotion of a different set of pathogens, bacteria and resistant fungi.

“Create that in the world there is a single pathogen and it is problematic”, afirmó a The New York Times Susan S. Huang, Specialist in Infectious Diseases from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of California at Irvine, said the single case in the pandemic appears to have resulted in a mayor propagating resistant infections to the medicines. “We have all the motives to create the problem”.

Some dates refuerzan his temores, entre los que están the viruses of various infections resistant to drugs in different countries of the United States, as well as in India, Italy, Peru and France.

Casi 2 million people in all the world mueren infections by hongos every year, and the resistance to the drugs of the first line va aumento REUTERS / Pedro Nunes / File Photo
Casi 2 million people in all the world mueren infections by hongos every year, and the resistance to the drugs of the first line va aumento REUTERS / Pedro Nunes / File Photo

I have a problem with this creciente cantidad de casos de un hongo llamado Candida auris, the authorities have agreed to combat the antidote to the pandemic a mayor credited, Islamizing contagious patients and a better hygiene.

In United States, these intensive efforts have limited the propagation of C. auris to a few cases in the state of Los Angeles. Now there are already 250, commented on The New York Times Zachary Rubin, who directs infection control measures in health centers.

“We see a proliferation of Candida auris”, said Rubin, who attributed the change to various factors, in particular to the failures to apply the pathogen detection tests when destined to resort to the COVID-19 tests.

Candida auris is numbered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of United States of America as an emerging fungal drug that extends through all over the world hospitals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via The New York Times)
Candida auris has been named by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States as an emerging mortal fungal facility that extends through all over the world hospitals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via The New York Times)

There are 2 million people all over the world with infections every year, and resistance to first-line drugs is on the rise.

Candida auris has been named by the Centers for Control and Prevention of United States of America as an emerging mortal fungus that extends through all the hospitals around the world.

This hongo integrates the “package” of the llamadas Intrahospital infections and have a high resistance resistance to the most current antibiotic therapies used to repel an infection within the confines of a health institution. In addition to the failure of its tempering detection, when a treatment is offered it presents a very strong resistance to the various antibiotic drugs that are used habitually.

This hongoprodukte has severe and invasive diseases that affect the blood, the heart and the brain with a high mortality. According to information from the National Administration of Laboratories and Institutes of Health (ANLIS) “Dr. Carlos Malbrán ”, this hongo was discovered in Japan in the year 2009 due to an infection in the mouth of a healthy woman. It is highly resistant to the majority of antifungal drugs commonly used to treat Candida infections.

This hongo produces severe and invasive diseases that affect the blood, the heart and the brain with a high mortality EFE / EPA / ANDREA FASAN / Archive
This hongo produces severe and invasive diseases that affect the blood, the heart and the brain with a high mortality EFE / EPA / ANDREA FASAN / Archive

Difficult identification of the existing laboratory methods, requires special techniques for identification, which are not present in all laboratories.

The transmission is traversed by the crews of the health and entourage who drive the patient (accommodation, bed, light fixtures, medical apparatus for conducting studies, among others). For that the importance of alcohol hygiene and the adequacy of limpies in the hospital environment.

Another possible factor that has contributed to a situation is this intensive and frequent use of asteroids to treat COVID-19. These medicines help to alleviate the most debilitating symptoms of the virus, but pueden affect the immune system to allow other pathogens to infiltrate the organism with mayor facility.

Another possible factor that contributed to this situation was the intensive and frequent use of asteroids to treat COVID-19 REUTERS / Pedro Nunes
Another possible factor that contributed to this situation was the intensive and frequent use of asteroids to treat COVID-19 REUTERS / Pedro Nunes

The combination of these factors “is perfect” for the hongo “be afiance”, Sen. Tom Chiller, director of the CDC’s Hong Kong Department.

Of 2019, The World Health Organization classifies the resistance to antibiotics as one of the ten major mayors for global health. In addition, the excessive use of antimicrobial drugs was caused by the appearance of multi-resistant microbes.

Por otro lado, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Director of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy in Washington, DC, the role of the climatic cambio in the propagation of micoses, you have a public inquiry into the 2019 and mBio, a publication of the Sociedad Estadounidense de Microbiología, suggests that C. auris “could be the first example of a new micosis derived from the climatic cambio”.


Details of the resistant hongo Candida auris that attack patients with the debilitated immunological system
