Cancer, March horoscope April 6, 2021 | Cancer Horoscopes

This day you will feel that you will inevitably have a hard time, with the constant need to take care of any problem. Although it flows very well for life, your essence is time, love and with the need for constant support. And when you read it, you can take it seriously, because you can lose the modalities and even more so than the others. Everything is due at the sign of Cancer by ascendant.

Pronostic of the day
Marte en cuadratura con el ascendant has a negative charge that has made the people very vulnerable and aggressive. You can have conflicts or rivalries in the workplace and with the people who drive you. A good series is to be conscious of not engaging in anything that can cause problems.

For the trigone of Marte with Venus in the sign of Aries, the most cult parts of your personality can intend to suppress this instant instinct that can be very evident in these days, hay algo salvaje in your form of amar, so that nothing can be completely suppressed by the lame civilized behavior. If you take responsibility and precaution, you will be able to have a good time and receive love.


Special care must be taken not to overdo it, because in case 6 the case of the health is following the sign of Sagittarius and this sign has dominion over the frames, the mussels, the sacro, the coccyx, the iliacos. Geen estará de más tomar las precauciones necesarias nie.

By the transit of the Sun in the sign of Aries, there is a person who can not support himself if he says what he wants or wants to do, because he wants to maintain his freedom and independence at all costs. Your value and security in your own way is unbelievable, given the confidence you have with your destiny.

There are very good conditions for generating money, because in case 2 the case of the material resources is following the sign of Leo, and his planet is ruled by the Sun which he is passing through case 10 the case of the professional exit, así which tends to be very successful in your profession and together with it a good economic solvency.


Couple prediction
There are some tensions in the relationship between now and then, Pluto goes through case 7 the case of the party and in quadrature with Urano, not much help, hecho, cause a life of dramatic changes and some kind of agitation. Trae a constant adaptation to the cambio and the incummerumbre te hacen muy vatbaar, con mucho anhelo de seguridad y de encontrar una structure solid in tu vida, por eso sempre estas luchando.

Amor: Tauro, Virgo and Capricornio
Amistad: Cancer, Escorpio, Piscis
Laboratory: Gemini, Libra, Acuario
Sexual energy: good

Wenk del día
The aspect in March of Trigon with the Sun is an harmonious aspect that gives individuals the desire to establish goals and the ability to align the metas. Expertise, energy, competitiveness, impeccability and preparation are all typical manifestations of these aspects. It’s a good time to start projects.
