Cancer Horoscope – Weddings April 14, 2021 | Cancer Horoscopes

Pues la Luna, Luminaria que goberna tu signo; is found in Case 11 because it is looking for social groups or clubs of tastes similar to the ones you will find in people who may be cultivating in those topics that are so interesting and in addition to the presence of Uranus that we Ideologies can be extended to expatriates and graduates thanks to the contact with very open people and the difference between what you and other people live.

Pronostic of the Day.
It is a good time to reflect and be able to transform the old habits and routines that are part of a psyche and conditional conditions to your true essence.

Then Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarium in your house 8 of promoting the active changes and structures of your way of thinking life and union with the demas. Vuélvete más social y abierto ya muchas áreas de tu vida les sucederá lo mismo.

Where you will find a marvelous refuge that you will embrace and learn from the emotional heat needed for your thanks to Vesta, the Asteroid that means the Fuego del Hogar will be about your case 5 in Scorpio; living in this sign algo callado and frío in a good fountain of love and noble emotions.


If it’s all right that there is a lot of time left or that it does not have much movement during the day it is possible that your pierces the vayan will be resentful of their muscles because they are the sign of Sagittarius, the sign that is ubiquitous .

Be aware of this and take minutes 30 minutes a day with aerobic exercises and allow good circulation of your blood.

You will have a good ability to visualize the future of the decisions that you make in the present that allows you to have a good stability within your work environment.

It is doubtful that Sagittarius’s aggravation will be from your case 6 since his vision will always be on the horizon of opportunities and progress.

Preaching prediction.
Many of us like the bad news without embarrassing the presence of Pluto in Capricorn in your house. 7 can indicate that being able to live in an amorous rupture then this planet is famous for destroying everything.

If it’s your case then make sure it’s only it’s for you well and that the best ever is every day that happens.

The sky is set on economic themes thanks to which Fortuna lives in your house 2 in Leo; you will be able to monetize your passions, your personalities and your desires in a form that is affordable.

Enjoy this kind of revenge and you can now prevent future incidents.

Sexual Energy:
Very Good.

Amor: Tauro, Virgo and Capricornio.
Amistad: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.
Work: Ram, Leo and Sagitario.

Wenk del Día.
It is an excellent day for spiritual professions that are profoundly ingrained in some medium of personal supervisory discipline such as the meditation or the yoga of Neptune in your case 9 is favoring your mind and spirit in order to understand and understand what you are doing facilities.

